Top 4 Benefits Of Faith In God
Being a God-fearing person and living a life of faith is awesome. Actually, it’s more than awesome. It is the ultimate perspective to master in order to have an OPTIMAL life.
Problem is, not many of us take time to contemplate or dig deep into the life-changing benefits of faith in God.
Well, don’t sweat that. has got you covered with four crucial benefits of faith in God for you to consider. Hopefully, this list can illuminate and provide guidance to any young person in the dark about why God awareness is so essential.
The Optimal Perspective To Live By
Imagine if your brain, conscience and soul could be reprogrammed to see existence as God sees it(figuratively speaking, of course). Or something close to it depending on your diligence of study.
Imagine what your perspective was at five years of age. If you’re over five, in most cases, your perspective has matured and broadened to whatever age you’re now.
Well, gaining a Godly perspective works much the same way.
Without faith and Godly concepts in your life, it is like you’re permanently stuck with the perspective of your five-year old self. Becoming aware of your Creator’s ways works to broaden your perspective about your world. The more regularly engaged you become about faith throughout your life, the higher you ascend in understanding. And your perspective about life expands and matures beyond that of a toddler.
To be clear, I am not implying that people of no faith have the literal perspective of a five-year old. Again, I am speaking in relative terms about the effect acquiring faith and wisdom has on your perspective over time.
For example, a healthy Godly perspective allows you to understand that the main existential battle in your life is not “climate change.” Or whichever overhyped “inequity” of the day. Nope.
Your biggest, fiercest, knock-down, drag-out battle in life WILL BE WITH YOURSELF!
Your thoughts, your beliefs, your assumptions, your urges, your desires…etc. A person who truly understands this concept going forward has a completely different perspective about life than one who doesn’t. And based on this different perspective, they make different decisions from the “norm.”
So a person of such wisdom may work hard not to blame or be overly critical of others. Because they realize they too have “demons” to grapple with on the regular.
Instead, their honed faith perspective is more likely to express appreciation and humility. And guess which approach to life would more people gravitate to?
Basically, a general reorientation of your perspective into something more in the “image of God” is what I consider to be a major benefit of faith. How could anyone not grasp the grand scale implications such a benefit could have on their life?
The change in my perspective since opening the door to God’s wisdom in my life has been like night and day.
Specifically, my ever-expanding Godly perspective has made me a more patient man with other people. I still remember the lesson that brought home this point to me. It wasn’t anything earth-shattering or difficult to comprehend.
The gist was…”be very careful, deliberate and fair in your judgment of others. The approach you choose in your judgment of others is how you yourself will be judged by God.”
That struck me as a very simple, common sense concept. Yet an extremely profound teaching that has shifted my perspective till this day. Hence, my newfound quality of striving to be more patient with those around me.
Purpose In Your Life
Regarding the benefits of believing in God, a substantial sense of purpose comes along with the heightened perspective I spoke of up top.
To have purpose by definition means you are not a single, self-sufficient entity unto yourself. And that means that there’s a greater context(God) that is providing you with a purpose for existing.
If you’re a nonbeliever, what is your greater context for existing?
Because you want to do good and do your part on behalf of “human flourishing”? Why? For what purpose is human advancement important if there’s no greater context to life or endgame?
A nonbeliever’s existence seems ultimately meaningless. In this model, humanity would just be hoping enough people would reason a will to live. Even though, there would be absolutely nothing to cling on to after death. Seriously? What is the purpose in that?
Well, good news!
Part of your purpose in this world is to seek a relationship with your Creator. And specifically, to have awareness of your Maker in every facet of your life.
Or as it is spelled out by the wisest of all men(King Solomon) at the end of the book of Ecclesiastes:
“Ultimately, all is known; fear G–d, and observe His commandments; for this is the whole purpose of man.” (Ecclesiastes 12-13)
Because by everyone going along with this mission the world would become a better place. Fearing God alone would bring a sense of humility, gratitude and appreciation in one’s life.
Think of the evils that wouldn’t exist in our world if these were the dominant qualities in our lives.
At the end of the day, it is the purpose that derives from serving God that leads to your ultimate fulfillment. This truth is in our DNA. This is why any worldly accomplishment you achieve, in the end, is so fleeting and unfulfilling.
It is the values and ways of the ONE you were created “in the image of” that completely satisfy man’s need for ultimate purpose. And in the process, these Godly principles have the effect of elevating humanity throughout time.
So faith in God confers purpose and meaning now and beyond your lifetime. What does atheism do?
I cannot say enough about the satisfaction I find in sharing/teaching God’s wisdom. It started in my children’s early adolescent years. I would convene a “team meeting” every week for a few hours to share biblical concepts with them. Usually, the teachings would be relevant to the current culture and their daily lives.
And it continues today in the form of this space. Sometimes I seriously wonder why I am drawn to this. I did not grow up submersed in things of faith. But it seems like once I opened that door (during some rather dark times), I became mesmerized by the simplicity yet profundity of God’s wisdom.
The readjustment of my perspective has changed my life for the better. And I guess I have found a never-ending source of fulfillment in hoping it can do the same for others.
So as you can tell, faith in God has been an immeasurable benefit to me being motivated and living with a sense of purpose.
Peace In Your Life

Another important benefit of believing in God involves your mind & your soul.
And the operative word here is peace. As you become involved with God’s word and your perspective shifts, so does your stress level.
Of course, this doesn’t happen overnight. It takes many hours of study and “conversation” with your Maker to get to that point. But believe me, when that time comes when you sense a certain comfort and closeness to God, your spirit will naturally begin to unclench.
If you’re a young person you are not far removed from this ultimate feeling of security. It can feel very similar to a time when you felt your parents had all the answers and had everything in your life under control. That was a great feeling of safety and relief.
But as I said earlier, this is not an overnight thing. It is not magic. Your trust and commitment to God’s instruction in your life is paramount to achieve this level of peace.
At the beginning of my journey with God, it took several months of diligent engagement to feel this sense of extreme relief. Before that I had tried everything within my power to find relief from stresses concerning my career, physical health and home life. I was truly exhausted.
Enter my faith in God. Like I said, after a few months I could sense “boulders of burden” being grounded down to dust. Comfort and peace is what I felt when I finally “let go and let God”—as some would say.
Today, the general sense of peace extends to almost every facet of my life. My faith studies have taught me a thing or two about dealing with those “pesky” expectations of life. Expectations that had my life completely destabilized for a bit.
So as far as benefits of faith go — peace of mind & peace of soul — have been amazing outcomes from my walk with God.
Wisdom In Your Life
Naturally, wisdom is the most important of the benefits of faith in God. Because wisdom is at the foundation of God’s creation.
And the number one reason I am drawn to the Bible’s concepts.
Some people think you stumble upon wisdom by going through life and learning from your mistakes. But an even more effective way to learn wisdom is by following biblical principles and learning from the experiences of others.
Many times, I actually marvel at biblical concepts because they seem not to be rocket science. And in a lot of ways, the wisdom found within biblical pages may seem remedial. But that’s the thing. It is not.
I have found biblical wisdom to be the most useful advice to a more fruitful, meaningful and pleasurable life.
For example, one of the more often reiterated messages in the Bible is God reminding someone “not to fear”. This sentiment might seem obvious to a lot of people, but it is not always easy to implement.
“Not fearing” is something you have to work at. Sometimes I find myself overly worried about a certain issue. And often it requires a bit of effort and introspection for me to comply with this mandate “not to fear.”
Over time, I have noticed the wisdom behind these words. A lot of times, what I had perceived as a difficult situation turns out to be not as bad as I thought. I had completely misjudged the severity of the outcome. Which often works to strengthen my sense of trust in my Father in heaven.
And finally,
“Those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe.” – Proverbs (28:26)
The book of proverbs is all about wisdom. And as this verse depicts, some indeed think they can figure life out on their own.
Some people I know get caught up on downplaying biblical wisdom like this because they don’t believe the source is divine. And then I say, “who cares”. Good advice is good advice no matter the source.
And that last sentence peeps is why wisdom is the top benefit of faith in my book. Wisdom has led me to prefer substance over the superficial. A concept that continues to serve me well to this day.
My travels in wisdom led me to understand how important my day-to-day interactions within my circle of influence truly are. God immensely values relationships.
And as such, the number one relationships in our lives begin at home. Some people I’ve known do not value home life relationships like those outside the house. They prefer the engagement they find in the environments either at school or at work.
And although it was never that bad in my home, God’s wisdom solidified my perspective to what’s truly important.
I realized that my perspective up to a certain point in my life was overly focused on my career . And I strongly disliked the mundane everyday activities of family life because I thought I needed to focus on career assignments.
The closer I came to God and the more I studied, the easier I came to realize…..that making a difference in the world-at-large, starts at home. After this realization I became more mindful about having purposeful communication with others in my home. And always striving to keep home life relationships in “good standing.”
In conclusion, the benefits of faith boil down to this — if you are so inclined to let God in your life — God will be in your life.
That means, your perception about life will not be like those that go through life without God. Instead, your perspective will actually be upgraded.
And that’s partly because your spirit, attitude and decision making decidedly transform when you wholeheartedly engage with Godly concepts.
Look at it this way. As I heard it explained by Rabbi David Aaron:
“If we don’t want to believe in God then God won’t be in our world. That doesn’t mean God isn’t real. God is real but not to those who choose to deny that truth ….. In other words, if I’ve never tasted papaya, then there’s no flavor of papaya in my life. Whether it’s real or not for others, it’s not real in my life ……. So to, if I’m not willing to see God, then my world is godless”
And that’s the ultimate choice regarding this topic. Do I choose the benefits of living in a Godly world…….or do I not?