A man stares out into a barren city as he contemplates the benefits of a biblical worldview.

How A Biblical Worldview Got My Mind Right

Are you like I was, riddled with the stressors of daily living?

Like most people, at one point, I dealt with financial insecurity, career instability, and health issues, to name a few. I felt like my life was in a bottomless hole.

This is the story of the lesson I learned about how negatively my past godless perspective affected my quality of life. 

For the most part, the problems and challenges we deal with in our lifetime are internal. All that is needed to optimize our outlook on life are a few tweaks and adjustments to our brain, conscience, and soul.

Coming up, I will put forth the process I undertook to leave behind my life of trials and tribulations by doing one simple thing — upgrading my perspective. 

I can honestly say it is the most essential thing you can must do to live a fulfilling life. And that is to adopt a biblical worldview permanently.

Definition Of A Biblical Worldview

A biblical worldview is a view of the world that is based on the teachings of the Bible, the Word of God. It helps us answer life’s big questions, such as where we come from, who we are, what our purpose is, how we should live, and what happens when we die. A Bible-based point of view also shapes how we respond to the events and issues in the world from a perspective of truth, faith, hope, and love. 

Why Is Having A Biblical Worldview Important?

Put us in alignment with our Creator 

Having a faith-based worldview is important because it helps us to see the world as God sees it. In my experience, a biblical worldview best engages the most crucial component of our existence — our spiritual nature, a.k.a. our soul.

The most reasonable worldview 

But don’t be misled. A biblical worldview is not a magical, fairy tale, unreasonable way to explain the world around us. It is quite the opposite.

A belief system based on godly principles is THE most reasonable way to process reality. 

Woman develops a biblical worldview as she reads the Bible.

Why do I say this?

Let’s say I don’t need any fancy mathematical formulas or scientific theorems to answer this. Because the answer is as simple as asking yourself, “What ideology of life produces optimal outcomes for the mind, body, and soul?” 

Hands down, it’s a Bible-based perspective, and here’s why…

“I know you got soul…”

Above all, you are a soul encrusted in a physical body. A soul is an aspect or a “piece” of God Himself. This means that whether you believe it or not, there’s already an underlying connection between every human and God. 

A faith-based worldview helps bring forth and align your “subsidiary” soul to THE “Head” Creator Soul(God).

And as such, you have a front-row seat/understanding of God’s principles and how they best operate in this world. Or in other words, a biblical worldview optimizes your filtering of tumultuous secular(worldly) stimuli and promotes a clearer perception of reality.

To better deal with your life challenges 

Here’s a quick example of how a biblical perspective helped me: 

After living a very physically active life, I currently deal with a severely limiting neurological disorder. I firmly believe know that without a biblical understanding, I would be jumping off a cliff(😉I say, somewhat, in jest).

I certainly would be more spiritually miserable, like I used to be when I faced lesser challenges.

But these days, I am virtually mentally unaffected.  Through my regular biblical engagement, I have come to understand topics such as “Why do bad things happen to good people.” 

The well-known biblical story of Job has imparted concepts such as “God’s ways are beyond my understanding.” It helped me to accept and embrace the reality and purpose of suffering rather than avoiding or resenting it.

Or that somehow, my situation advances God’s master plan, not only for me but for the entire world. And finally, Job’s story features the principles of patience, perseverance, and trust.

I can say without a doubt that those concepts rattling around in my conscience do more to uplift, inspire, and motivate me to move forward with gratitude. Rather than resigning myself to sulking and radiating negative energy for the rest of my days.

Tell me, what secular worldview offers that?

Benefits Of A Biblical Worldview

Relief Of Burdens

For me, this benefit of a biblical worldview was a game-changer.

I have recounted previously how, in the past, my life was saddled with significant anxiety over financial worries and health concerns. What a sincere and deep understanding of God’s word does is provide psychological renewal from any ailments, spiritual or physical.

No longer was my conscience harassed by phantom burdens of my own making, whether it was my needless impatience with others. Or worrying about a seemingly crumbling society rife with corruption and injustices. 

 My lack of trust and reliance on a Higher Authority was mentally and physically crippling me. And this, indeed, was the breaking point that began my journey with God.

The solace and reassurance that a biblical worldview instilled in me can be best captured in the following verses:

“Cast your burden on the LORD, and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous man collapse.” (Psalms 55:23)

“For I am mindful of the plans I have made concerning you—declares GOD —plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a hopeful future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)


A scenic sunny meadow ideal for Biblical studies.

Peace Of Mind

Obviously, this was a byproduct of “casting my burdens” unto the Lord.

A biblical perspective has provided my conscience with peace and stability amidst the chaos and uncertainty in my life.

Pouring over biblical messages has instilled a deep-seated understanding that God is in ultimate control. Why am I even worrying and pretending to have a say over long-term outcomes in my life, let alone the world at large?

After I came to grips with that reality, my conscience no longer dwells much on the woulda, coulda, or shoulda’s of my life. God’s got a plan. And I just ride along.

There’s no better mental approach to go through life with.

Optimal Living

More than anything, a biblical worldview is a roadmap for optimal living. 

There’s no human condition that is not addressed in God’s “owner’s manual” for life. And the process for you to get the most out of it is this:

  1. Realize like I did that the secular world offers no substantive solutions to anything. It’s all temporary patches and fixes if you’re not anchored on God’s eternal principles(namely, objective truth).
  2. Decide to seek and ingest God’s messages wholeheartedly.
  3. Be consistent in your intake of God’s word

That’s it. Stand back. And watch how God’s influence slowly but indeed begins to redefine your perspective on life. And notice how your soul comes more into alignment with godly principles. 

But most importantly, see how those changes in perspective lead to optimal decision-making in many areas of your life.  

For me, God’s influence changed my attitude on gratitude and giving 180 degrees. I went from complete apprehension of parting with my money to giving routinely overnight. It’s still shocking to me how something I had never envisioned doing or being changed so quickly.

Needless to say, that same perspective has led to many optimal choices in other areas of my life. It’s really that simple. Just let yourself be influenced.

Purpose And Direction 

Looking back to when I “thought” I was miserable, I see that I lacked both of these. 

I thought I could manipulate my life’s circumstances perfectly — until the day I figuratively fell flat on my face from exhaustion. In my mind, I thought it was all about me handling my business.

But a biblical perspective makes you realize that your life is part of a greater plan. Analyzing the gifts and blessings I have received from God makes me feel incredible gratitude. And also have a deep sense of purpose and direction because I am keenly aware that God wants me to play my role to the best of my ability.

So, no longer am I the center of my universe—a perspective that brought great trouble in my life.

Instead, the better way is to see our lives as part of a greater plan. Then, we proceed to dedicate ourselves to living in accordance with His will to make the meaningful impact on the world that God desires for us to make. Not the one “we think” we should make.

No Fear Of Mortality 

The fear of death can be crippling. It can cause some of us to live needlessly unstable, anxious lives.

Whether dealing with perceived existential threats like COVID-19 or climate change, when God is not part of your circle of influence, tough times can be a time of doom and gloom.

A biblical worldview, however, offers a perspective that transcends mortality. It assures us of eternal life in God’s presence, providing solace and hope in the face of our inevitable end here on earth.

Which is another aspect of God’s mercy and justice. The understanding is that we’ll all be judged in the end, and evildoers will be held accountable after their physical demise.

For me, it is an excellent source of motivation, purpose, and peace to know that I am living for something bigger than life here on earth

The accountability factor 

This benefit of a biblical worldview starkly delineates the difference between a secular perspective and a faith-based one. 

And the seminal question is — who are you accountable to in this life?

The answer to this question practically dictates the level of fulfillment and satisfaction you’ll have in life. Basically, any answer other than God will lead you astray at some point or another, even if you choose yourself.

Being accountable to myself was burdensome and miserable.  This is a fact corroborated by the poor decisions I made in the past regarding my health, entertainment choices, and relationships.  

Being accountable to God means feeling grateful and indebted to the source of all my blessings. And as such, consistently living to “choose life” by constantly referencing God’s teachings in my decision-making.

This is precisely why today, I bask in a life full of gratefulness, stability, and satisfaction. Of the benefits of a biblical worldview, I believe the accountability factor has been the most impactful in my life.

How To Adopt A Biblical Worldview 

I often reminisce about my shallow perspective before God came into my life. The lack of wisdom and substance behind my worldview back then was the primary cause of my struggles and hardship.

Until one day, I audibly uttered, “This can’t be what life is all about.”

So, the first step to adopting a God-based worldview is a desire and commitment to change. The moment I realized this, I proceeded with the following:

I conversed with God daily

Think about it. No relationship grows in intimacy without communication/contact. You may say, “Great! But I’m the only one talking.” 

Not exactly. After steady engagement with your Maker, you start to feel and hear things. But not in a spooky, “I hear voices” type of way.

I mainly felt a deep sense of peace after my prayer sessions. And what I heard came in the form of thoughts that, as they say, just came to me. These are the kinds of thoughts that leave you stunned and wondering where they came from. 

Well, if you’re spiritually inclined, you know exactly where everything comes from. Accept it. Be grateful. And go with it. 

Emphasize truth above all else

In our world, everyone has a version of “their” truth. But only God‘s truth is objective. 

Once I decided to seek God, I followed the truth wherever it led me, which led me to find the most accurate English translation of the Bible that I could find. And that led me to rethink specific biblical ideas that are considered to be “conventional wisdom.”

The point is I was genuinely engaged in understanding God. And the more I pushed ahead, the more I realized that God’s wisdom had a consistent “truth-filled” answer for everything. 

Therefore, seek truth above all else, and you’ll always find Him.

Binge God’s wisdom 

Embracing a biblical perspective is not a passive exercise. 

I immersed myself in bible study for 3-4 hours daily for around six months. I was a bit extreme, but I had some deep-seated issues back then.

A man develops great ideas by adopting a biblical worldview from Bible study.

The key is consistency, though. Expose yourself long enough and often enough to God’s message to allow His influence to transform your thoughts and actions, even if it’s ten minutes a day. Develop the habit of regularly making contact with God’s word or wisdom. Then, slowly begin to apply godly principles to your everyday circumstances. 

I did that when God inspired me to become more charitable, as mentioned above. 

And remember, this is a lifelong process. You’ll soon see how minor, gradual modifications in your life will morph into a satisfying existence full of meaning and purpose.

Put naysayers in check like Noah 

Yes, that Noah from the Bible flood story. Noah faced negative influences just for following God’s instructions.

So will you, but push forward in your solidarity with God’s worldview.

Be mindful of the secular influences in your life, such as friends, family, and media. Ensure that these influences don’t go overly against the biblical messaging you’re trying to adopt.

In my journey, I’ve had to walk away from certain relationships and specific types of media(music) I used to partake in. Both felt like anchors around my neck as my worldview became more God-centered. Just let them go.

Just go with it!

Speaking of naysayers, being engulfed in a secular society can be very discouraging in trying to develop a biblical perspective. 

When faced with doubts or uncertainties, I reminded myself of my burdens before embracing a biblical worldview. Recalling the stress, anxiety, and lack of purpose that characterized my life without God’s guidance reinforced the transformative power of a godly worldview.

In addition, a God-centered perspective is the most accurate worldview that enables us to discern fact from fiction, truth from error, and reality from fantasy.

There is no better example today than the cheer lunacy evident throughout society. Bad ideas ranging from “cops are the bad guys” to “diversity is a strength” can only emanate from a lack of godly wisdom.

So, be encouraged to adopt a biblical worldview.  The main feature of this perspective is the ability to discern truth. 

And recognize that while there may be other belief systems, none offer the same level of peace, direction, and purpose as the one founded on the biblical principles of the Creator of the universe.

Conclusion: “How my mind got right”

As the old school song says, “I got a new attitude.”  

Or, to be more precise, I got a new perspective. And a biblical worldview was THE ultimate perspective to adopt to fix my “perceived” hardships in life.

Unbeknownst to me, all the time I had spent pouring over biblical ideas and messages had transformed my outlook on life. The dark cloud of worry and instability that made my stomach churn was no more. 

The amazing thing was — I still had the same real-life, worldly issues. 

But after becoming more aligned with God’s point of view, the mental burden of my problems was lifted. And soon after, I began to notice how wrong I was about my “perceived” struggles and dire predicted outcomes.

Not only that but with God’s perspective and influence in my life, I began to notice how clearly I identified and resolved issues I had struggled with in the past. Decision-making was more straightforward because instead of trying to model and live up to a worldly standard, I just focused on God’s truth/standard. 

And as it turns out, God’s standard is way simpler but infinitely more rewarding.

Finally, I will encapsulate why you must seek a biblical perspective by saying that in having a biblical worldview, there exists the ultimate spiritual understanding that “God, the Infinite Creator, has got your back.” From my experience, there’s no better burden and stress-relieving notion.

Therefore, problem(s) solved!

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