How To Connect With GOD In 5 Simple Ways
The truth is we are perpetually connected with God through the soul that is within us. Check that — we are primarily souls encased in physical bodies. And it is through us being, first and foremost, a soul that we are made-in and resemble God’s image.
But the problem is that through our beliefs, influences and choices in this physical world our connection to our Creator can become severely diminished.
The material world works to distract and hide God’s presence. But it is up to us to choose to connect and reveal God’s essence in our lives. And in this world.
Check out these 5 useful ways on how to connect with God. And in the process reestablish the stability, security and life satisfaction your soul longs for.
Have A Talk With God
Face it. Your idea of who God is plays a big part in how you perceive God.
God is not here to rule over your life or make your life miserable with rules and regulations.
If you don’t subscribe to God’s point-of-view you don’t get struck down by lightning(I don’t think;)
Point is, do not view your Creator as a tyrant. View God more like an advisor that in reality — KNOWS EVERYTHING.
So in thinking about how to connect with God, think more of how you connect with your friends. Sit down and talk with God. Don’t even approach your conversation with God as a prayer session.
Just talk with God.

My Talk With God Went Something Like This…
Admittedly, what I consider to be my first official communication with God that has led me to where I am today — began as just a talk with God nearly fifteen years ago.
I was frustrated. It was unscripted. And it had the tone of a dude(me) recounting a bad day to a friend. Except, what I ultimately expressed that day was more akin to a bad five-year period.
I remember this “conversation” lasted nearly an hour. I divulged to God the root of my failures, worries and concerns at that time. At times during my talk with God I felt very tense and full of energy like a real-life interaction was happening. And my voice fluctuated in inflection from normal to very high several times.
The result? It was cathartic. Although I still struggled with the same issues in my life, my mind felt clear. My soul felt upbeat and proactive to whatever would come next in my life.
The Aftermath Of My Talk With God
I followed my initial talk with God with another the next day. And the next day after that. I talked with God in the same conversational manner for a period of three weeks.
And guess what this led to? Like any good friend you talk to regularly — a feeling of bond and trust with my Father in heaven.
Basically, what started as an open, no-holds barred talk with God has turned into an ever-blossoming connection with the Creator till this day. Over the years, many good ideas and messages have sprouted from my “talks” with the Almighty.
And for that I am truly grateful.
Realize When God’s Helping Hand Is In Your Life
God’s presence in our world is ubiquitous. The question is — how much are we able to perceive it?
God is not a being over there somewhere outside of us. Quite the opposite. We reside within God.
The material world we inhabit is a veil that hides God’s presence to us. It is our job to choose to pierce through the veil and seek God’s presence in our life.
Just know that God wants a relation with His creation — us. Messages from God abound in our lives regularly, if we’d care to notice.
Stop and think of how many events in your life you can look back on and sense “the hand” of God at work. Now that I’m more experienced with God’s handiwork, I see His imprint routinely in my life.
A Quick Example Of God-At-Work In My Life
I remember a while back I was stressed because my family had two fairly used cars of 10+ years each.
As it happened, my car specifically was always in the shop for minor repairs here and there. The car my wife used to go to work was definitely the more reliable of the two.
Needless to say, when my car was in disrepair I struggled mightily to perform the daily errands which included dropping-off and picking-up kids.
Then one day my family was able to acquire another used car to replace the one that was always breaking down on me. At least that was the initial plan. Our family budget could not sustain three cars…or so we thought.
Yet something led me to actually keep all three cars and pay a little more on insurance.
In Hindsight, God Offered Relief In An Unexpected Way
Looking back, keeping three cars has been the best transportation decision for my family. Getting a new car was never an option. But now with three fairly aged cars there’s always one available when another has to go to the repair shop.
The burden this transportation solution has lifted in our family is huge. And it’s honestly one we fell into.
Or at least, that’s what I thought then. Today I know better. When I prayed for a solution to our transportation woes I had no idea this would be the final outcome.
But the point is that thinking back and ruminating on moments like these in your life offer an instant connection to your Father in heaven.
What has God’s helping hand guided you through? Did you even notice it?
Don’t just assume it was good luck. Give proper credit. And accept the connection request by giving thanks to the Orchestrator of it all.
Appreciate The Beauty Of God’s Creation
Similar to His presence, the beauty of God’s creation is prevalent all around you. Do you see it?
When you do, there’s no more direct evidence of God’s infinite perfection. And His desire to connect with His priced creation.
Here’s a quick sample:
- The human body – To grasp the complexity of the human body alone should be proof enough that a purposeful, highly-intelligent force is at work in this world. For instance, the human eye can process upwards of ten million pieces of information per second. And not to mention the miracle of human reproduction. Your appreciation of the marvel that is your physical being should provide a most humbling connection with the Creator of the universe.
- Breathtaking Sights – The concept of beauty itself is of divine origin. To take-in and enjoy a tranquil sunrise is awesome. Or to bask in the sight overlooking the Grand Canyon. Or just to ponder what are the processes within your brain that make another human being appear beautiful to you? Whatever that is, concede that it is way above your pay-grade to understand and just appreciate “Who” made it so.
- Soul-moving sounds – This I ponder regularly. What makes certain sounds seem beautiful and angelic? Why are we moved and get goosebumps at certain sounds? Again, deep thinking and appreciation about these glorious truths of our world should draw you closer to its Grand Designer.
- Culinary delights – Have you ever wondered why food has a taste? Why don’t humans just do what animals typically do? Which is, eat virtually the same thing for their entire lifespan. Deep introspection into this question should seal any doubt that man was deliberately designed. And this realization should fortify your connection to the One who blessed you with this gift.
Acknowledging Your Blessings Connect You To God
Of course, there’s infinitely more examples of the beauty of God’s creation in our everyday lives.
The Ultimate Designer, God, not only created us for practical purposes. But He also blessed us with the ability to feel and enjoy pleasure. This is why our food can taste good. Or why beautiful things or sounds can move us.
Thus, this is proof that God indeed wants a connection with His creations. And the way we oblige is by us being aware and appreciative of His divine gifts to us.
Study God’s Word Regularly
This one seems like a no-brainer but it’s way beyond memorizing insightful verses. The reason to study God’s word regularly is not just to know biblical characters and learn from their stories.
The number one reason to study your Bible is to be influenced by an eternal perspective.
The Bible puts forth the blueprint for optimal living. It sheds light on the ultimate perspective to adopt in order to live your best life.
If you are technologically inclined, it’s similar to an upgrade in your soul’s O.S. Kinda like those who consider Apple to be the premium operating system over Android. If the latter were true, then studying God’s word would be the equivalent of upgrading your spiritual perspective of this world from a PC to a Mac.
And guess what? Life would never be the same. Just ask any snobbish Apple aficionado.
The Effect Studying God’s Word Has Had On Me…
For my part, the upgrade in my spiritual perspective has led to many “aha moments” in my life. My decision making capabilities are improved across the board. Whether it’s wisdom related to parenting, relationships or society-at-large. Absorbing the messages found in God’s word have transformed my point-of-view of everything I experience for the better.
And that is the reason I am here as an unabashed, true-believing witness. And owner of a fairly strong connection with God for over 10 years.
Bottom line, if you study God’s word regularly, you move many steps closer to solidifying a connection with God. Why? Because, in essence, studying God’s wisdom is equivalent to going behind the curtain and understanding how God “thinks.”
And as such, there’s no closer connection with God that any man can achieve.
Do Good Deeds
God is good and cannot be anything but good.
Good qualities like love, compassion, giving, caring…etc., are examples of God’s goodness and what God is.
So this is mankind’s ultimate mandate. To be good like his Creator.
And the thing to understand is this — when you do good deeds you are actually channeling your Maker.
Because God is the creator of all good. And as His creations we are literal extensions of His goodness when we do good things. This means that us doing good deeds creates an automatic connection with God.
So you want to know how to connect with God? Go crazy doing good deeds.
There’s a reason why doing good feels awesome. And that is because at those moments you are being a representation of the essence of what God is…..GOOD!
Doing Good Doesn’t Have To Be Complicated
But don’t get bogged down or over complicate the “doing good deeds” task-at-hand.
You can easily do several good deeds in a day. For instance, having a pleasant, positive attitude can serve as a good act. Or complimenting someone.
In certain situations, just acknowledging someone’s presence can be charitable.
So don’t overthink this quintessential Godly exercise of doing good deeds. It is yet another essential way you can connect with God in a meaningful and direct way.
The big takeaway in understanding how to connect with God is……..IT’S ALL IN YOUR MIND!
The two main ingredients for connecting with God are deep thinking and appreciation.
So go ahead, set aside some time and schedule a session of heavy introspection and rumination. Start by appreciating the opportunity just to be alive…..and let the rest flow from there.
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