Letters of God depict an image of the world

Living For The World vs Living For God? (Which Will You Choose?)

There’s a decision to be made in your life as soon as you can. It is a life-defining decision that will set up how everything in your life unfolds. The question is:

Will you be living for the world or living for God? 

Do not be fooled. Everyone, at some point, will be faced with this decision. Just because others will seem unaware or dismissive of this question will be no excuse for letting this decision ride till “you have time to deal with it.”

Coming up, I will share why it’s essential to address the “living for the world vs living for God” question as soon as possible. Then I will break down the outcomes of both sides of the spectrum.

Trust me. “The sooner, the better” is not soon enough to tackle this pivotal issue. And here’s why.

What Does It Mean To Be “Living For The World?”

Living for the world means living a material, self-centered existence primarily. Your point of view relies on a man-centric perspective to make sense of the world. In this approach to life, man and his perspective are the arbiters of all moral standards.

When you live for the world, your existence is validated by human-created ideologies. Which often means focusing on materialism and social status. Seeking pleasure and gratification solely from worldly experiences rather than spiritual pursuits. And lastly, living for the world means being a slave to your physical senses.

What Does It Mean To Be “Living For God?”

At its core, living for God reflects a mindset of subservience and obedience.

The idea is that man is not at the center of anything. Living for God means actively seeking to understand God’s point-of-view(messages) for best navigating this world.

Mankind primarily relies on Godly principles for moral direction.

“Living For The World vs Living For God?” — Why Answering This Question Is Crucial In Your Life 

It is vital because your decisions today will be the foundation for your future choices. This means you must choose wisely today so that your future self is not lamenting not being on the right track in life.

In other words, substantial life-altering consequences can befall your life if you continuously make bad decisions on top of each other.

So your decision regarding “living for the world vs living for God” is a crucial choice that the rest of your life will be built upon. With that said, let’s look at what these two divergent theories of life have to offer.

“Living For The World” Be Like

  • Focusing on immediate pleasure and gratification rather than long-term health and well-being. Obsessing over material possessions and status symbols, such as video games, smartphones, nice cars, or wealth…etc.
  • Living with a fundamental focus on “the self.” A largely self-centered perspective that looks at life from the inside(you) out.
  • It means rejection of objective moral truth(God) in order to give in to the unreliable theories of man. Which leads to continually changing moral standards(usually in the direction of evil). Exhibit A; it used to be that people fought for abortion access in extreme cases of emergency(“safe, legal, but rare”). Today, they argue for abortion for any reason right up till birth. This is the typical “devolution” of a standard-less worldly mindset.
  • Adopting dubious behaviors, values, or ethics in order to be accepted or fit in with a desired group.
  • Prioritizing the accumulation of worldly respect over pleasing the Most High.
  • A general lack of “peace of mind.” Being riddled with insecurities because your identity is largely dependent on “worldly” standards. Your approval/self-worth hinges on the judgment of other fallible humans. Not your Father in heaven.
  • Becoming overly anxious about perceived bad outcomes relating to personal and world events. Because after all man, not God, is ultimately in control.
  • Exhibiting a lack of self-control. Displaying detrimental compulsive behaviors like porn addiction or alcohol and drug abuse.
  • Prioritizing personal gain and success to the detriment of others.
  • Believing man can be THE ultimate change agent in the world. (e.g., thinking man’s actions can significantly impact climate change; or exact population control by implementing childbirth quotas.) The arrogance is mind-boggling.

“Living For God” Be Like

  • Living for God means man becoming a vehicle to exemplify God’s principles.  
  • This means typically looking after the needs of others before yourself.
  • Possessing a humble spirit. Not looking to be the center of frivolous attention.
  • Have a deep sense of gratitude because you know that a loving, caring transcendent authority is intimately involved in your life.
  • Possessing a fulfilling sense of purpose and meaning given to you by your Creator.  
  • An understanding that your role in this world is primarily one of service. Not primarily of seeking comforts, “living your truth,” or satiating your material urges.
  • Having a sense of ultimate security because of your relationship with God. You understand that, ultimately, things are not in your control. Therefore, when bad things happen, you feel the comfort that your Father in Heaven has you covered.  
  • This means that feelings of sadness, despair, and depression are minimized because you trust in God.

The Question Is — What Are You Living For?

Well…let me help you with that.

If it’s not apparent already, your world without God is a world that lacks guardrails. It is a world that lacks direction and order. And it’s a world devoid of meaning and purpose.  

We live in a timeline with prime examples, as fate would have it. Every turn, you look at the consequences of a worldly mindset. See if you can follow a few of these wisdom-lacking conceived ideas:

  • So the world says that, actually, a baby’s sex/gender is unknown at birth, and that sex is just ambiguously assigned at birth on the spot.
  • The world says the way to combat bias and racism is to BE BIASED and segregate certain groups. This is the practice of several educational institutions throughout our land regarding graduation ceremonies.
  • The world is telling me we should cease using fossil fuels immediately because if not, within 20, 30, 50 years, we’ll all be underwater?
  • And the most evolved, man-devised, worldly idea of them all — a man, through his willpower and ingenuity — can incredibly transform himself into a woman(and vice-versa).  

Peeps, these are just a few examples of a worldly mindset devoid of the guardrails provided by God’s wisdom. 

There are many more examples of where those came from. Namely, we live in a society that relies primarily on an individual’s “feelings/emotions” to make rational decisions. The opposite of what God instructs.

If that’s not the epitome of a low I.Q., unwise, unserious, worldly perspective — then I don’t know what is.

So again, when it comes to deciding on “living for the world vs living for God?” 

What are YOU living for?

Why Is It Important To Have God In Your Life?

Here are 8 Benefits Of Living For God straight from scripture: 

1. Obedience brings prosperity

Living according to God’s laws and commandments are the path to blessings and prosperity.

“All these blessings shall come upon you and take effect, if you will but heed the word of your God, Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country.” (Deuteronomy 28:2-3)

2. God is merciful and forgiving

Easily the most important of the benefits of living for God. God wants a relationship with you. And if sin separates you from Him, God will always accept your repentance and your return back to Him.

The Lord passed before him and proclaimed: “The Lord! the Lord! a God compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in kindness and faithfulness, extending kindness to the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin; yet He does not remit all punishment, yet He does not clear the guilty but visits the iniquity of parents upon children and children’s children, upon the third and fourth generations.”  (Exodus 34:6-7)

3. Following God’s ways will lead you to wisdom and understanding  

My favorite verse in the Bible because of how true I have come to understand that it is. It appears several times throughout the Bible.

“The beginning of wisdom is fear of the LORD, And knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10)

4. God is your refuge and strength in times of trouble 

This benefit of living for God has undoubtedly manifested a time or two in my life. I can testify that there’s nothing more soothing when bad things happen than the thought of —”God will see us through this somehow.” And when I look back, that’s exactly what has happened.

“God is our refuge and stronghold, a help in trouble, very near. Therefore we are not afraid though the earth reels, though mountains topple into the sea—”  (Psalm 46:2-3)

5. Living for God makes you a good influence on others

One of the essential assignments believers have is leading others to God through their actions. This was the exact stated role of the nation of Israel in the Bible. So apparently, being an “influencer” for God’s kingdom is quite a benefit

“For He has said: ‘It is too little that you should be My servant in that I raise up the tribes of Jacob and restore the survivors of Israel: I will also make you a light of nations, that My salvation may reach the ends of the earth.'” (Isaiah 49:6)

6. Living for God brings you joy

Not only that, but I would add the qualities of satisfaction and peace to that equation. For me, the joy is in the peace of mind that living for God produces.

“You will teach me the path of life. In Your presence is perfect joy; delights are ever in Your right hand.” (Psalm 16:11)

7. Following God’s plan for your life leads to success and blessings

The question is — what exactly is God’s plan for your life? The broad answer is — whatever your life becomes after applying God’s wisdom and principles. When you know God, then you learn to appreciate the extent to which God is truly in charge of everything around you. All you have to do is follow along.

“For I am mindful of the plans I have made concerning you—declares the LORD—plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a hopeful future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

8. God will ultimately bring justice to the world

This last of the benefits of living for God provides me with great relief. Especially in our current “dystopian” times, I find great spiritual comfort in knowing “someone” is taking account. And that justice, indeed, will be served one way or another to all deserving souls.

“But the LORD abides forever; He has set up His throne for judgment; it is He who judges the world with righteousness, rules the peoples with equity.” (Psalm 9:8-9)


As I often reiterate, the effect of living for God is similar to watching a 3D movie with the prerequisite 3D glasses. You have a unique, clear, multi-dimensional perspective about the movie with your 3D glasses on. 

The same is the case when you live for God’s principles. Your perspective on life is way more precise and profound than those that merely live for the material world.

So make the decision today that will reroute your timeline of existence for the better.  And make the choice between living for the world vs living for God, a decision that will put you on the “eternal” side of the ledger — PERMANENTLY!

Let me hear your thoughts…

How would you define living for the world and living for God?

Are both of these approaches to perceiving the world equivalent in your view?

What parts of either of these perspectives do you struggle with?

Lastly, do you have any thoughts on the challenges of living in a world that often contradicts God’s will?

Please, share your comments or questions below. Let me know what you think. God bless!

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  1. Charlotte S. says:

    Thank you for this post. It took me well into my forties to get what I was living for. This lays it out perfectly.

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