An open hand reflecting on the meaning of Deuteronomy 30:19 and inviting you to “choose life.”

Why The Meaning Of Deuteronomy 30:19 Will Change Your Perspective On Life

If you’re seeking guidance on how to live a satisfying life that is pleasing to God, understanding the meaning of Deuteronomy 30:19 is where to start. This verse directly expresses the principle that a good life should depend on — MAKING GOOD CHOICES.

This powerful passage presents a clear choice between life and death, blessings and curses, and their effects on your life. By understanding the significance of Deuteronomy 30:19, you can align yourself with God’s will and experience the blessings He has promised.

So join me as I explore the meaning of Deuteronomy 30:19 and discover how it can transform your perspective to live a better life.

Deuteronomy 30:19 Explained

Deuteronomy 30:19 Verse

Deuteronomy 30:19 is a powerful verse in the Bible where God says, “I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day: I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life—if you and your offspring would live—“

Interpretation of the verse

Deuteronomy 30:19 emphasizes the importance of free will and making conscious decisions to follow God’s commandments. It highlights that by living a life of righteousness and obedience to God’s Word, you and your children will receive God’s blessings and prosper. The verse prompts you to be aware of MORAL choices, either leading you toward life and blessings or death and curses; ultimately, the decision lies in your hands.

Significance of the verse 

God as the ultimate authority

The verse acknowledges God’s sovereignty over heaven and earth, calling on them as witnesses to emphasize the importance of making choices.

A choice between life and death: 

The verse presents a clear choice between life (obeying God’s commandments) and death (disobeying God’s commandments). This signifies the importance of the Israelites’ willful decision to adhere to the commandments as they enter the new land.

Blessings and curses

As in other parts of the Bible, Deuteronomy 30:19 puts forth the consequences of the Israelites’ actions; blessings will come if they follow God’s commandments, while curses will befall them if they turn away from God.

The desire for life and well-being

God expresses His hope that the Israelites choose life, showing care for their well-being and emphasizing His love for His people.

The Significance (To You) Of Choosing Life In Deuteronomy 30:19

What does it mean to choose life in Deuteronomy 30:19?

What this ability “to choose” in Deuteronomy 30:19 symbolizes to YOU is the power of free will granted to human beings by the Almighty. God is directly and definitively conveying to you the importance of making moral choices in life. And based on your ability to choose wisely(or lack thereof), you can expect blessings or curses. 

Deuteronomy 30:19 and the concept of free will

Free will is the ability to make choices in accordance with your desires, beliefs, and values. Free will is a divine gift that differentiates human beings from other creatures. With free will, you can choose the path that aligns with God’s teachings, leading to rewards, or decide to follow your desires, which will result in negative consequences. 

Simply put – the barometer for the level of satisfaction in your life – is directly related to your free will CHOICES. The only question is, which side of the equation will your choices consistently land on – life or death?

Why does God emphasize choosing “life” over choosing “good”

The Almighty stresses the importance of choosing life over simply pursuing ‘good’ because living according to God’s commandments reflects a higher level of commitment and understanding. Good actions can sometimes be self-serving or originate from impure intentions. Whereas choosing life encompasses adhering to a divine purpose. 

For example, donating money to a charitable cause solely to gain recognition or praise – would be considered a good act with underlying impure intentions. 

You choose “life” when your intentions originate from a genuine desire to “do good.” This is precisely what the Lord Almighty is all about.  And that is the example YOU should also be exhibiting.

Real-life examples of choosing life over death  

  • Praying regularly and doing your best to adhere to God’s will: You choose life when you prioritize the spiritual, harmonious life God designed for His followers.
  • Giving to charity: By donating to those in need, you display generosity and compassion, demonstrating your commitment to the values of life-enhancing actions.
  • Making healthy lifestyle choices: Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding harmful substances. The effects of such a lifestyle are life-boosting because your good example will most likely rub off on others around you.
  • Seek the best advice/counsel about life: This has been very valuable in my life. The more you’re in tune with God’s will, the more you hone your abilities of discernment of the world around you. Therefore, good advice from sources rooted in godly principles leads to much flourishing throughout your life.

How to Apply Deuteronomy 30:19 in Daily Life

The importance of “choosing life” daily

This means making choices that honor and glorify God, such as treating others with love and respect and striving to become the best version of yourself. When you choose life daily, you open yourself up to God’s blessings and experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from living a life that’s pleasing to Him.

8 practical ways to choose life over death every day 

  • Wake up in the morning and be grateful for the new day.
  • Be productive/efficient and make a “to-do” list every day.
  • Think in terms of “example.” As in — could anything you do or say in your day be considered a bad example to anyone around you? If so, choose life and change it.
  • Don’t gossip. Think the best of others by default.
  • Be attentive. Focus on people first and not your phone when near others.
  • Engage in regular acts of kindness with those in your circle of influence and out. Simple things like being cordial, offering greetings, being grateful, and saying thank you are fundamental life-enhancers.
  • Manage your stress and mental wellness. Decrease the level of secular influences in your life.
  • There are even “choosing life or death” implications in the food you consume. So – more often than not  — be mindful to choose life in what you put in your body.

The benefits of choosing life over death

Choosing life consistently brings numerous benefits, such as:

  • A more profound connection with God
  • Spiritual growth
  • General satisfaction and a sense of purpose in life 
  • A better sense of discernment 
  • Great appreciation for life and God’s creation 

Challenges you may face in applying this verse

Modern society can present challenges in consistently choosing life.  Being aware and exercising self-control from these persistent “death traps” in your life is vital: 

  • The lure of materialism. “I want it” or “I need it” are overused mantras in this day and age. This mindset clouds spiritual pursuits.
  • A hyper-secular society. Be aware that the overall perspective around you is not a God-centered one.  This is why weird ideas like abortion-on-demand, climate change alarmism, diversity issues, and transgender issues become pseudo-religions to many. Do not get sucked in. Choose God’s influence of truth — first and foremost.
  • The focus on self-indulgence. There’s a hefty premium in society on individual rights. Anything anybody wants to do or be is applauded.  Often this ideology leads many people away from life-enhancing principles and prevents flourishing.
  • Lack of substance. All the challenges listed here are related to this. The secular perspective is all about looking at life from the inside out. “What is good for me” is the overarching motivation. On the other hand, “choosing life” means putting God front and center.  The outcomes of these two perspectives are starkly different. The lack of depth and substance stemming from the former will bring a lot of cheap thrills but also emptiness. Instead, choose God as your beacon in life for lasting meaning and purpose.


Explain The Blessings And Curses in Deuteronomy 30:19

Again, Deuteronomy 30:19 states: “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life that you and your offspring may live.” 

The choice between life and death essentially refers to the moral decisions you make in life.

This verse implies that God presents two paths before His people – one leading to blessings (life) and the other to curses (death). By obeying God’s commandments, you align yourself with blessings and a life filled with spiritual growth. 

However, when you opt for disobedience, you distance yourself from His blessings, leading to curses and spiritual decay. Therefore, embracing the right path by diligently following God’s commandments is essential for you and your descendants’ well-being.

Real-life examples of blessings and curses resulting from moral choices

Examples of blessings may include maintaining healthy relationships, having peace of mind, and experiencing satisfaction when you act with kindness and uphold biblical values. 

However, dishonesty, greed, or cruelty can lead to conflicts, stress, and negative experiences. These are typical examples of curses in everyday society. And the results of these moral choices negatively impact your life’s quality and that of those close to you.

Exhibit A on the issue of curses is the effect out-of-wedlock births have on the children and society at large. Although this chaotic practice has been normalized in our community, the outcomes of this way of life are primarily negative. The majority of penitentiary inmates are from single-parent homes. 

And as the verse indicates, such a curse often has a legacy effect on subsequent generations of a family.

Exhibit B on the issue of curses is the concept of confusion. 

Currently, our highly secular society is suffering from a deep sense of moral confusion regarding issues of race, criminality, gender identity, and, unbelievably — truth. 

The outcome/curse is?…… At a time when human existence is the most comfortable and technologically advanced — humanity is more depressed than ever.  People are looking for escapes from reality in drugs and alcohol at an alarming rate. 

And this proves that no matter how advanced or “smart” we get, the curse of disobedience will always catch up to us. No matter how much we evolve materially.

 My Final Thoughts

Like I told my children, Deuteronomy 30:19 is a seminal biblical verse to understand if you wish to live a satisfying existence.

Your perspective on life is permanently adjusted when you understand that many decisions in life have divinely attached implications. This is not a theory. This truth is embedded in the fabric of the world created by the Lord Almighty.

And the way you know that choosing life or death is a real thing is by looking at the consequences of choices in your own life.  

I can personally attest to the mostly psychological “curses” that, for a long time, disturbed my conscience because of purposeful bad choices.  Those times got so bad that those experiences had a hand in me being where I am today — spiritually. 

But still, some mental scars remain from “death choices” in my past. And all I can do is understand that I was the cause of my missteps.  Talk to God whenever I feel a bit down in spirit. And deal with the consequences of my bad decisions.

As far as you’re concerned, understand this simple formula — the more you consistently choose life over death — the more likely you’ll win in life.  You can play with the numbers and understand that the higher your percentage of good decisions over bad ones — the greater the likelihood of a satisfying life.

The only thing you have to do is be intently engaged in seeking wisdom.

This naturally makes studying God’s word your go-to resource to legitimately unravel the question, “What does it mean to choose life?”

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  1. Thanks for explaining doing “good” v choosing “life”. It gave me something to think about.

  2. Mayra Kook says:

    Thank you for these explanations of this vers. I got a good understanding and how to continue to choose “life”.

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