Prioritizing Facts Over Feelings: A Lesson From Proverbs 14:15-18
In today’s upside-down world, the idea of prioritizing facts over feelings seems downright novel. And that is because it appears that making decisions based on emotions rather than carefully analyzing the facts is the “in thing” these days. But as always, God’s word is at the cutting edge of how to perceive this madness correctly.
Truth be told, emotions play a significant role in your success, and how you manage them can significantly impact your life. The operative word is “manage.” And the key to managing your emotions(and everything else in your life) is filtering your life through God’s word.
This post will show how prioritizing facts over feelings and God’s word can help you separate emotions from reality. And in the process, lead to clear-headed decisions and success in your life.
The Role Of Emotions In Our Success
The Study That Shows The Impact Of Emotions On Our Success
Emotions significantly affect your success, even more than you might realize. Researchers have found that positive emotions boost motivation, perseverance, and overall well-being. For example, a Greater Good article reveals that three key emotions – gratitude, compassion, and pride – can help you achieve your goals. By facing your feelings head-on and using them to your advantage, you can make better decisions and take action toward success.
The Percentage Of Success That Depends On IQ And E.Q.
Intelligence quotient (I.Q.) and emotional intelligence (E.Q.) both contribute to your success. While your I.Q. represents your cognitive abilities, your E.Q. represents your ability to identify, understand, and manage emotions in yourself and others. It’s been said that I.Q. can account for around 20% of your success in life, while E.Q. contributes to the other 80% (Forbes). This shows the importance of managing your feelings well, as it profoundly impacts your relationships, mental health, and overall well-being.
The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence In Representing God And His Values
Developing emotional intelligence (E.Q.) is essential not only for your success, but also for representing God and His values in your life. Personal growth in empathy, self-awareness, and emotional regulation reflects spiritual growth. It aligns with the values of compassion, forgiveness, and understanding. As you develop your E.Q., you’ll learn to manage your feelings healthily, leading to better decisions and stronger connections with others. In turn, this provides a foundation for living your life purposefully and in accordance with your faith-based beliefs.
Prioritizing Facts Over Feelings
The Goal Of Prioritizing Facts Over Feelings
In today’s world, letting your emotions guide your decisions is easy. However, it’s essential to prioritize facts over feelings. By doing so, you can make informed and rational choices that will benefit you in the long run. When you base your judgments on facts, you are less likely to be misled by emotions or unnecessary drama.
The Warning From Proverbs 14:15
According to the ancient wisdom of Proverbs 14:15, “A simple person believes anything; A clever man ponders his course.”
This verse implores you to be cautious and discerning with the information presented to you. Refrain from accepting everything at face value; take the time to analyze and question what you hear.
The Culture’s Preference For Feelings Over Facts
Unfortunately, we live in a culture where feelings often take precedence over facts. Why? Because this is the reality in a society that has been trending more secular, year after year.
This means God’s message is nowhere to be found in the culture. And what remains are people’s personal, unvarnished, and unwise takes on critical societal issues.
Today, social media, news outlets, and personal interactions all reinforce this horrible pattern over and over. People tend to get caught up in the emotional tide and overlook the importance of objective information. Engaging in attaining wisdom and the practice of fact-based thinking is crucial for overcoming this cultural deficiency.
The Danger Of Elevating Feelings Over Truth
Gender Ideology Issues
The examples are plentiful of the evil that unfolds when you prioritize feelings over facts. For one, you leave the land of truth and reality.
And such is the case concerning gender ideology—specifically transgender issues. Many in our society mistake this “battle” as a hate issue against the “transgender” community. But it is not. It is an objective truth issue.
It’s as if a group of people suddenly began asserting that two plus two equals five. Or that they could “identify” as a different age than their biological one by just stating so. The dangerous ramifications to society would be massive.
Personally, the most significant danger concerning trans issues is the idea that some small children are growing up with this confusion. It is a sobering realization to think about the dangers for future generations indoctrinated in these evil untruths.
Criminal Justice Failures
As I write this post, the latest major offense against the message of Proverbs 14:15 is unfolding in NYC. That is the place where mobs of people are protesting in favor of a man getting arrested and charged with murder.
For what exactly? For what looks to be the heroic act of neutralizing a deranged homeless dude from threatening/injuring fellow subway riders. The homeless guy subsequently ended up dying after being restrained in a chokehold.
But the point is people have yet to determine the extent of circumstances surrounding this incident. And yet, there they are. The emotionally charged masses are demanding a man get arrested before all the incident details are sorted. As it says in Proverbs 14:15, they “believe anything.” Instead of being prudent and taking the time to fully analyze the situation.
In this case, sure enough, prioritizing feelings over facts led directly to a man being charged with a murder that was originally investigated and let go. There can’t be a more evident example of the dangers of elevating feelings over truth.
This is why it is crucial to recognize when your emotions might be clouding your perceptions and seek out accurate information to help guide your choices.
Beware Of People Speaking In Hyperbole
This too is terribly fashionable these days. Today, everything is the end of the world, and everyone is a potential victim of something.
People often use exaggerated or extreme language to craft a narrative or to persuade others.
Remember, when God is not front and center, truth and reality may be in the distance(and usually is).
Be cautious of these tactics, as they will distort the facts and lead you astray. Remain skeptical of hyperbolic statements and always investigate the underlying information before drawing conclusions.
The Solution Of Mining For Facts
To prioritize facts over feelings, you must become skilled at mining for facts. This means actively seeking out accurate information, questioning assumptions, and scrutinizing sources.
This can be easier said than done these days. But this is where being familiar with God’s word and messaging is important. I personally owe my sense of “good judgment” to the ideas God’s messaging has imparted into my conscience over the years.
I feel confident discerning information because, usually, God’s word has already given me a reference point to perceive many situations. And as I have witnessed repeatedly, God’s guidance is superior to anything a man can conjure up–every single time.
So equipping yourself with the tools to evaluate credibility starts with regular ingestion and absorption of God’s wisdom.
Only then will mining for facts become second nature and a job you confidently look forward to.
Because with facts at the foundation of your decision-making process, you can make better choices that foster personal growth.
Controlling Emotions
The Goal Of Controlling Emotions Is?
As you go about your life, it’s important to recognize the need to control your emotions carefully and cautiously. Achieving emotional control means becoming aware of your emotions and finding ways to regulate them without suppressing them altogether. This will allow you to make rational decisions and interact with others more effectively.
The Warning From Proverbs 14:16
In Proverbs 14:16, it is written that “A wise man is diffident(modest) and shuns evil, But a dullard rushes in confidently.”
This highlights the importance of being cautious with your emotions rather than allowing them to control your actions. You should always take time to think before potentially reacting inappropriately to events in your life.
The Importance Of God’s Teachings As Guardrails For Our Emotions
As intimated in Proverbs 14:16, a wise man is deliberate and cautious. I have greatly appreciated this teaching over the years as I see the benefits of a little patience in everyday situations.
Just think about the countless times in your day, in the heat of the moment, your emotions lead you to jump to conclusions. Usually about what somebody else is doing wrong. Yep. I have been there a lot in the past.
But the guardrail that is God’s presence and wisdom made me completely take a step back from my instant emotional reactions. A change that has allowed me to see that, at least half of the time, my emotional assumptions would have been foolish.
So take it from me. God’s teachings serve as a valuable guide for controlling your emotions. When you apply godly principles in your life, you can better calibrate your feelings and better navigate your life.
The Danger Of Letting Emotions Lead Our Decision-Making
It’s crucial to avoid letting emotions dictate your decisions.
As an example, I harken back to the pandemic of 2020. In the beginning, there was widespread panic buying of essential supplies such as toilet paper and hand sanitizer.
However, this behavior was partly driven by fear and anxiety rather than rational decision-making, leading to shortages and hoarding.
This is where having a godly perspective and practicing emotional control are critical to making sound decisions in life.
The Importance Of Having Reasonable Expectations Of People
Finally, it’s essential to set reasonable expectations for yourself and others. When you anticipate that people will act according to your desires, you set yourself up for disappointment and potential emotional upheaval.
Personally, I have less than reasonable expectations for anyone that’s not my kid. I actually have very low expectations of most people. I have learned not to have great expectations from even my wife.
The lower the expectations, the easier you’ll find it to navigate interpersonal interactions and control your emotions effectively. I can attest that this technique works like a charm.
Using a Godly Filter to Find Your Healthiest Feelings
The Goal of Using a Godly Filter to Find Your Healthiest Feelings
As you journey through life, it’s crucial to prioritize facts over feelings. A godly filter can help you identify your healthiest feelings and, in turn, better align you with God’s truth and perspective. By consistently evaluating your emotions through the lens of Scripture, you will learn to recognize and respond to situations with wisdom, discernment, and godly character.
The Warning from Proverbs 14:18
Proverbs 14:18 warns, “Folly is the lot of the simple, But clever men glory in knowledge.” This verse reminds you to be cautious in relying solely on your feelings without considering the wisdom found in God’s Word.
The One who created you is advising you that feelings can be deceptive. But the truth in the Word of God(knowledge) provides a reliable foundation for any decision or life situation. This has been my experience exactly.
The Importance Of The Word Of God As Our Ultimate Filter
The Word of God serves as the ultimate filter for your emotions, offering guidance and correction when your feelings may lead you astray. By immersing yourself in Scripture, you can better understand God’s character and the principles He has established for a fulfilling life.
From personal experience, I immersed myself in God’s word during a crisis, not knowing what the outcome would be. Little did I know it would be my perspective that would undergo the most significant life-altering evolution. Not anything physical or tangible.
The point is, because of my one-time intense search for “knowledge,” today, my perspective automatically has God’s wisdom as the default filter for my ENTIRE life. And let me emphasize – IT IS THE BEST THING THAT’S EVER HAPPENED TO ME.
God’s steady influence has normalized my (E.Q.) emotional intelligence better than anything ever did. And for that, I wholeheartedly thank my Father in Heaven routinely.
The Tangible Results Of Engaging With The Word Of God
Engaging with the Word of God and applying its principles can transform your emotional health and spiritual well-being in the following ways:
- Wiser decision-making: You’ll make choices founded on God’s principles and wisdom, leading to better life outcomes.
- Emotional stability: You’ll be able to refocus your emotions on the peace and confidence that come from having a relationship with God.
- Deeper relationships: By understanding and applying biblical principles, you’ll cultivate meaningful connections with others based on your understanding of God’s standard of treating others.

Examples Of Filtering Emotions Through The Word Of God
Here are some practical examples of filtering emotions through the Word of God:
- When feeling discouraged, remember the classic verse in Jeremiah 29:11: “For I am mindful of the plans I have made concerning you—declares GOD —plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a hopeful future.” This was the message the prophet Jeremiah received when he felt hopeless. By meditating on this promise, you, too, can filter your discouragement by finding reassurance in God’s word.
- When facing temptation, Proverbs 4:14-15 has a verse worth leaning on: “Do not enter on the path of the wicked; Do not walk on the way of evil men. Avoid it; do not pass through it; Turn away from it; pass it by.” Seems straightforward enough. By focusing on God’s wisdom and guarding our hearts against the influence of the wicked, we can filter our emotions and resist the temptation to sin.
- Here are two verses for the price of one when trying to cope with anger issues. First, in Proverbs 14:29, the author says, “Patience results in much understanding; Impatience gets folly as its portion.” The author emphasizes the importance of patience and self-control in managing our emotions, particularly anger. Second, in Ecclesiastes 7:9, the author says, “Don’t let your spirit be quickly vexed, for vexation abides in the breasts of fools.” The author warns against giving in to anger, which can lead to foolish and destructive behavior.
By training yourself to filter your emotions through the Word of God, I can attest that you will establish a solid foundation for a well-balanced life.
As you’ve seen in this article, it’s essential to prioritize facts over feelings. Acknowledging and understanding your emotions is good, but letting them dictate your decisions and beliefs can lead to misguided actions and a distorted perspective.
To avoid being misled by your feelings, take time to analyze and control them with care and caution. Emotions are integral to the human experience, but they shouldn’t be the sole driver of your decisions. By grounding your thoughts and actions in factual information, you’ll be better equipped to navigate through your life with greater clarity and objectivity.
Incorporate the word of God into your emotional filter, as this can provide spiritual guidance and help you maintain a balanced perspective. For instance, when you’re feeling overwhelmed by a situation or decision, the Bible can offer useful wisdom and encouragement. Utilizing these resources can help you resist the urge to be led astray by your emotions and maintain your focus on facts.
Remember that nurturing a more fact-based approach to life takes practice and dedication. As you work on prioritizing facts over feelings, you’ll gradually become more proficient at discerning between emotional reactions and rational decision-making. Maintaining a healthy balance between the two will ultimately lead to a more fulfilling, grounded, and purposeful life.
it’s a shame. The case you referenced in your post is actually going forward still at this time. The guys name is Daniel Penny. Horrible injustice Ive been sayingall along
A perspective not rooted in God’s wisdom can become truly twisted indeed. 🙏
Nice piece. I think certainly unrealistic expectations has a lot to do with people’s emotional imbalance. I see it every day in my work.
Thx. Agreed
It is clear the more secular society becomes, the less important truth seems to be. Personal opinions have more sway than god’s word. Internet and social media have lots to do with that. Gbless