A man with arms outstretched to the sky at dusk.

Psalms 68:20 – 4 Things You Must Know

Psalms 68:20 Verse:

Blessed is the Lord.

Day by day He supports us,

God, our deliverance.

How Is Psalms 68:20 Relevant To You?

  • Are you worried about things that haven’t occurred yet in your life?
  • Are you overextending or doing too much in your life — to your detriment?
  • Are you jealous of what’s on another man’s plate?
  • Are you seeking to strengthen trust in God?

The Lessons Of Psalms 68:20

“Handle Your Business”

It says, “Day by day He supports us.”

These words want you to understand that you have a purpose and as such, you have your own unique burden to bear.  A burden specifically designed and put upon you by your Creator.

This means that as tempting as it might be to be envious of your neighbor, your lot in this life is uniquely yours. Don’t fight this reality and make yourself miserable desiring the life of others as many in our society do.

Also, although you might be tempted to, you are not to perceive this idea of “burden” in a negative context.  Your reaction to hearing the meaning of (Psalms 68:20) should actually be the opposite.

Because the passage explicitly affirms that whatever your life’s designated assignment is, God WILL support you. In other words, God will give you the strength to handle your business in this lifetime.

A Sense Of Purpose & Relief

As stated, (Psalms 68:20) denotes a specific sense of purpose that God provides YOU with all the necessary abilities to fulfill. 

If you fully absorb this lesson, then all your worries and concerns in life should go out the window.  Because you realize that whatever your life becomes — assuming you utilize your gifts in life to their fullest — that’s the extent of God’s requirement for you.

You don’t have to force or overextend yourself in this life beyond your God-given capabilities.  You don’t need to lead a stressful existence and go beyond what God has allowed you to comfortably handle.  

Beware Of Incurring REAL Burden At Your Own Risk

If you read (Psalms 68:20) closely, “day by day He supports us” has a direct connotation.  

If life were a sporting event, God expects you to focus not on winning but in excelling by taking the game one play at a time.  Meaning, the Creator expects you to take on ONLY the burdens of that particular day.  And if you stick solely to the load of that day, (Psalms 68:20) expressively states that God will bring you through it.

But if you start looking ahead and taking on future burdens God did not intend, the Lord will not support you.  You are on your own to handle whatever hardship you bring upon yourself.

Psalms 68:20 Emphasizes Trust In God

The idea of you “staying in your lane” and not going beyond the concerns of that particular day speaks to your level of trust in God.

You worrying about future burdens above what God has allotted for that given day is the equivalent of you “acting like God.”  You’re acting like you know the future.  And you know exactly what your actions are going to lead to.  

Take it from me. We know nothing about how things in our lives will ultimately turn out in the future.  If you agonize about events in the distant future your efforts are foolhardy to say the least.  But doing this also says something about your level of trust in God.  

That’s why (Psalms 68:20) emphasizes that you let God…be God.  That you put your trust in God for your “deliverance and salvation” from your everyday hardship.

And simply handle your business today with the gifts He has given you.  To the best of your abilities.  The rest? God is in control, so sit back and relax

What more reassuring message can you get to live a well-adjusted, mentally and spiritually stable existence?


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