A woman with arms raised in prayer to God

5 Pretty Good Reasons To Believe In God

Believing in God is a foundational principle that will shape the way you perceive the rest of your life. Or as I often like to put it — “a fear of God acts as your ‘3D glasses’ to decipher what you’re truly seeing in this world.”

But to those that are new to this or might just be a little skeptical, I give you these five good reasons to believe in God.

1st Reason To Believe In God — It All Seems Pretty Obvious 

The first reason to believe in God is that it’s just plain obvious.  Through mere observation and reasoning you can attain what is known as “a natural knowledge of God.”

And all this takes is you putting in the time to analyze the realities of this world.  

For me, the best example of a reason to believe in God is the specter of relationship in our world.  It is obvious that nothing in our world exists on its own and in a vacuum.

We all need something.  We need food from plants or animals to survive.  Most plants need a combination of water and sunlight to subsist. Down to the relationship we have with plants to provide our oxygen.

Simply stated, we live in a world of relationships.  And that not only carries a message of humility in that nothing in this world is self-sustainable.  But the fact that this factor of relationship is key in our world is a sign of a purposeful design.

Whatever creative force put all this together meant to feature “relationships” and how we manage them as a key component of creation. An interdependent world is an existence founded on meaning and purpose.

And for this reason, how could anyone think there’s not a grand designer behind all this deliberate purpose we witness in our natural surroundings daily?

All you need is a little contemplation to see why of the reasons to believe in God, this is the most obvious.

2nd Reason To Believe In God — Blame It On Your Conscience 

It’s a leap the size of the Grand Canyon to say that matter, let alone life can come from nothing.  There’s no evidence to support this.

But it’s a leap the size of the Atlantic to believe that consciousness can arise from simple life forms.  And to this day there’s no evidence of a gradual development/evolution of sentience.  

So why do we possess a sense of awareness and animals do not? Why is man the only creature that deals with striving to understand their meaning and purpose in life?

Again, there’s no evolutionary evidence for where any of these psychological developments came from.  And are we supposed to just accept that they “popped up” out of nowhere from the original bacteria we “allegedly” evolved from?

But indeed, I know the answer to this conundrum.  A human was created in the image of God.  And that does not mean in a physical sense.  This means that every human being has a “spark” of divinity within them.  A spirit. A godly soul

And as such, like God, humans have additional spiritual qualities such as free will, discernment and introspection.  

Of the reasons to believe in God, this contrast in self-awareness between man and animal is most glaring to me. And an obvious sign that a creator God specifically and purposely wanted to bless mankind like this.

3rd Reason To Believe In God — Without God, Murder Is Not Wrong

What this really means is that without God, everything in this world is relative.  Without God there’s no such thing as objective moral standards.  Only subjective ones set forth by human beings.  Why? Because it is a feature of humanity that any standard agreed upon one day can undoubtedly change the next.

Too many examples to count.  In my lifetime, standards have changed on same-sex marriage, abortion, and even on the definition of what a woman is. 

Ultimately, human beings are riddled with feelings and emotions that can lead to a bevy of varied opinions on the same topic.

So, in our society murder may be exclusively frowned upon. But…could there be societies that may not be as evolved on this subject? Yes, of course.  In the past, human sacrifice was common in certain societies.  Today, “honor killings” are still practiced in certain parts of the world.

Point is — God’s standard is unchanging. On murder or on anything else God has commanded humanity on.

A world without God’s zero-tolerance standard on murder wouldn’t be fun to see.  Certainly our idea of the value of life would not be what it is today.  Because what man could unequivocally preach to another man that murder is wrong?  

Under what absolute authority?  

Especially when you realize that this godly/objective standard does not apply in the natural free world animals exist in. Meaning, it is not a foregone conclusion that if human beings were left to their own devices they would be innately against murder.

Coincidentally, today we witness life devalued in parts of our country stemming from horrifically low bail amounts for murderers.  Or low sentences for people who have actually killed.  In addition to people who advocate for the killing of an unborn fetus right up to the second before birth. 

So no, the correct moral positions are not always easy to decipher for us humans.

Thus, there is no doubt that in regards to this topic, only the influence of an all-powerful, transcendent authority can set the standard we should all be aligning to.  It would be an infinitely better world if everyone strived to the same eternal ideals of objective morality.

Definitely another very good reason to believe in God.

4th Reason To Believe In God — It Is The More Rational Option 

Which is more rational? Belief in a master Creator? Or belief that existence is merely an unassisted, random occurrence?

Well, then consider what has been called “the first cause” argument.

Everything that moves in our universe has something that causes it to move.  Another way to understand this is by saying that “something” can’t come from “nothing.” And thus everything within our universe must have a beginning.

Science tells us this as a sizable majority of scientists today understand that our universe had a beginning. And the fact that the universe continues to expand proves this.

So logically, if something can’t come from nothing.  The chain of events that causes something to exist(or move) MUST ultimately have an original “first cause” that sets everything in motion.

And of course, this first cause idea always leads us back to acknowledging an original creative force of our universe . The power source that set the “big bang” into motion. 

Referred to by some as the God of creation. Known to many of us as the Lord Of Hosts depicted in the Hebrew Bible.  

This would be considered one of the more scientific and rational reasons to believe in God.

5th Reason To Believe In God — Your Mental & Spiritual Well-Being 

I read somewhere that there’s a general displeasure, dissatisfaction, and overall dark cloud hovering over our current society.  

Some people still have negative lingering effects from the pandemic.  Some related to their physical health. Others are psychological in nature.

Plus many others are dealing with uncomfortable relationship related issues.  And of course, there are the usual societal ills involving drugs, crimes and perceived social injustices.

As a result, many in our society are stiff with stress.  Their overall happiness quotient is below average. I personally get a sense of this through what my kids tell me is their schoolmates’ vibe in school.  The words that come to mind are disconnected, unhappy and listless generally.

And despite all these negative vibes my message to my kids is this — “you guys are blessed.”  Why?

Because through all the Covid mania, restrictions and societal upheaval, the one thing that remained constant was our study of God’s word. And specifically how God’s messages apply in our current times.  

Needless to say, God’s word was our ticket to sanity.  It’s almost like we were witnessing many biblical lessons live and in-effect in the turbulent times all around us. 

Lying and deception were at a premium when it came to vaccine effectiveness.  As well as the media lies about the low severity and impact of mass riots across the country.

Plus the spirit of confusion the Bible says will be upon anyone that is not moored to godly principles was also on exhibit. That is what members of our society have succumbed to with the rise of the “alphabet crew” and the “transgender” agenda.

The point here is…God’s word is truth.  And the truth puts everything you witness and go through in context. Context begets clarity in the world you perceive.  And clarity gives way to confidence and peace of mind in your perspective of life. 

So like I said, I told my children they were blessed to have weathered the hard times. I did this by routinely making them aware of God’s perspective on things. I point out how ideas with a secular foundation are often false and harmful in the long run(e.g., diversity quotas, gender “identity” issues…etc).

Ergo, I straight up tell them that most of the social banter they hear/witness in their public school is false. Unmoored from godly principles.

These are the types of lessons that emanate from God’s wisdom. And go a long way to maintaining your spirit and psyche intact. 

This is why of all the reasons to believe in God, it’s clear to me, the benefits to your mental and spiritual well-being are at the top of the list.

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