An open bible depicts the concept of “relying on God’s strength and not our own”

My Experience “Relying On God’s Strength And Not Our Own” After Hurricane Ian

As is the case in all our lives, sometimes challenges creep up on us unexpectedly. And so was the case in my life with the unexpected arrival of hurricane Ian in Florida in September of 2022.

Needless to say, this storm shook the lives of millions.  And has brought about quite a bit of turmoil into the everyday lives of those affected by it.

Such has been the case in my life.  And in this post I am going to share the perspective I chose to adopt in dealing with this horrible circumstance of life.

And in particular, I want to use this post to chart the outcome of my perceived “dire challenge” because of this storm.  In order to contrast my potentially flawed perspective to what actually God ends up leading me to.

And hopefully this process can show you how relying on God’s strength and not our own can truly guide us through tough spots in life.


I understand my story may sound trite in light of the devastation, trauma and even loss-of-life some are dealing with because of this hurricane.

But my intention is to highlight that no matter the gravity of your actual or perceived struggle, a relationship with God is the answer. 

So, I want to state clearly that in no way is my ordeal on the same level as some who have actually lost everything.  

But all we can do is play the hand we’re dealt and rely on God’s strength and guidance in any situation.

Here Is My Situation 

Due to my regular connection with God, I actually felt very calm and at peace before the storm.  Our family took all the necessary precautions.  Stocked up on water, batteries, boarded our windows…etc.  

We thought we actually improved our hurricane prep protocols from the previous storm five years earlier.  So we were ready, or so we thought.

As it turns out, the previous hurricane(Irma) five years earlier did a lot of damage to our home.  We needed a new roof, a new fence and new floors among other things.  

With this latest hurricane(Ian) our home was seemingly spared.  But two of our three cars were flooded. Completely inoperable.  None of them even made a sound when I tried to turn them on.

My Initial Knee-Jerk Reaction 

I gotta admit, it was a shock when I awoke the morning after the hurricane and my wife told me water was fully covering our driveway.

Over the years, we’ve dealt with numerous hurricanes and flooding has never been an issue where we live. So my initial shock was because flooding was an outcome that I didn’t take too seriously and I didn’t even do the bare minimum to prepare for.

I became a little tense when my son came into the house and said his car wouldn’t start.  Soon I went outside and also confirmed that two of our three cars didn’t start as well.  Ironically, the only car that turned on was the least reliable one.  The one  that we had bought a third car to replace sooner than later.  

Admittedly, I suffered a temporary lapse in faith thinking about the implications of replacing two cars in a short time span.

My wife has to be at work in the next three days. And I have to be ready to taxi kids from school activities in less than a week. 

The Burden Piles On

I became consumed with the burden of the unprecedented task ahead.  I researched all about the “survival rate” of flooded cars and my spirit sunk lower.  It basically said flooded cars rapidly deteriorate and are never the same.

Before the hurricane we didn’t have car payments.  We purposely set up our life to not have monthly payments on cars and have money for other obligations.  In today’s economy the cost of used cars is over inflated.  Even if we found decent used cars to replace the flooded ones, we probably still would have to make monthly payments which we are not in a position to do.  

Then the thoughts of going through the actual car buying process in such a limited time period are weighing hard on me. Plus the expense of possibly having to rent at least one car for a week or longer until everything gets resolved.  In addition to all the unknown changes to insurance premiums…etc.

Basically, this whole ordeal could potentially reshape our “pre-hurricane” living standards drastically.  At least that is my initial, unvarnished, godless take on our family’s hurricane aftermath. (Again, I fully appreciate that we suffered minimally in comparison.  But we still have to press on and manage our responsibilities to the community around us.)

When I sensed that I was going into a spiritual funk at the thought of all these challenges, I snapped out of it.  I realized that I have been through this “down in the dumps” process before in other situations.
So I did what I had done many times in moments like this. I scheduled a dedicated “rap session” with God.

“Relying On God’s Strength And Not Our Own” Mindset Kicks In

I sat down to speak to God the evening after the hurricane.  My approach was unusually focused and intense.

I began by apologizing to God for my fear, trepidation and temporary lack of faith.  Subsequently, I also said:

“Forgive me Lord for losing sight of your goodness.

I appreciate that our whole family is safe at this time and

I thank You for the gifts you bestow on us on a daily


“Lord forgive me for losing my connection with you when

analyzing the effects of this hurricane on our family.  It is

times like these that I must remember to keep you front and 

center and trust You God.”

“Again Lord, thank you for everything that mostly goes right 

in our lives day-in-and-day-out.  I will proceed to rely on You

Father and trust You wholeheartedly as You guide us through 

this uncertain situation.”

 “At this time I pray for all those who are being affected adversely 

by this storm. I pray Your light and comfort in the lives of all 

those suffering because of this storm.”

“And speak to my conscience and provide me with the wisdom 

to make decisions that will lead us to the best outcome.”

This was the gist of my extended conversation with God. And needless to say, I felt great relief from all the burdensome nonsense I had heaped upon myself earlier.

I continuously have to remind myself that only God knows the full context of anything that happens in our world.  And I have to remember to “trust in the LORD with all my(your) heart, and do not rely on my(your) own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)

What Is Currently Happening?

9/29/22 – This was Thursday, the day after the storm. The wife called our car insurance company and began the claim process on our inoperable vehicles. We were given claim numbers and were told that the cars would be picked up(towed) the next day for an evaluation of damages.  If possible, the cars would be repaired, if not we would be given funds for their fair market value.

9/30/22 – Today is Friday morning after hurricane Ian.  I took my oldest son to my local mechanic to check out his car for storm damage. Unlike my cars, his car was not fully insured for this type of damage.  And it had been in water during the hurricane that surpassed the height of the wheel well.  Also his car did not initially turn on.  But at a later time in the day, eventually, it did.  

I told the mechanic about the flooding situation all our vehicles had been in.  And he proceeded to ask me specifically about the two vehicles of mine he is familiar with.

I told him the insurance company would be towing those cars to their adjuster’s garage. To which he flat-out told me not to let them do that.  He said there was a high likelihood that as a “formality” my used cars would be automatically declared “total losses.”  And I would just get their estimated value.  

Which, most likely, would not be enough to fully replace my vehicles and I would have to unexpectedly kick in extra money that I could not afford. (This was my original nightmare scenario that had made me lose my poise before my heart-to-heart with God.)

The mechanic said to immediately tow the vehicles to his shop and he would deal with the insurance company on my behalf.  So I did.

10/3/22 – It’s the Monday after and no word from the repair shop on the status of my vehicles.  I have spent an unexpected $200 on a rental car for the week for my wife to get to work. Though my continuous communication with God throughout the day(everyday) keeps my spirit relatively stress-free.

Also, since the hurricane I have been looking for a way to help those in need.  I decided to make a donation at <>. I thanked God for the resources to be able to do this at this time.

(10/4/22) – Four days with no word from the mechanic.  The uncertainty feels like being in the “waiting room” at a hospital standing by to hear if your loved one will make it or not(ha!).  Hopefully, if I call tomorrow I can get an update.

(10/5/22) – The repair shop called me first thing in the morning today.  They explained that the electrical/computer panels on both cars were fried from the water intake.  They were in the process of replacing both panels and then they could try to start the vehicles.  

Though, the mechanic cautioned that if water actually got into the engine of either car they would definitely be rendered inoperable.  And the cars would be designated as a “total loss” by the insurance company.

(10/6/22) – I got a call from the insurance company saying I need to allow the repair shop to release my vehicles to them.  In other words, the insurance company is being insistent that I give consent for the cars to be towed to their shop.  

The mechanic reiterates, from his experience, that it would be more cost effective for the insurer to “X” out the cars.  To declare them not repairable without even trying.  Especially given their age.  And this may be why they’re pushy about me releasing the cars to them.

Later in the day, the mechanic tells me that indeed, both cars were able to turn on(Yay! My spirit got a little pick-me-up from this news). The next step is to wait for the insurance adjuster to inspect the vehicles.

(10/7/22) – Total disappointment fell upon me today.  This time my disconnection from faith and God was very brief. Maybe five minutes. But still, it happened.  Why?

Although the mechanic restored the vehicles to working order, the insurance adjuster still designated them “a total loss.”  He said something about water damage being bad on a car’s electrical system long-term.

The adjuster gave three options: 1) receive the market value of the cars(as I originally feared)  2) keep the cars by “buying them back” from the insurer.  With this option I could retain the cars with nothing out-of-pocket on my end.  But the cars would have to be reregistered with the state as being flooded/salvaged.  3) cancel the claims altogether and pay for the repairs out of my pocket.

For the record, my preferred outcome is for the vehicles to be fixed and the insurance company pay the repair.  

In the meantime, it seems obvious that I will have to pay $200 for another weekly car rental for the wife.  That’s how long it may take to choose an option and settle the entire matter.

Once again, I ceded to God that I have no clue what the ultimate financial setback will be in this situation.  But I would continue to pray and trust His will going forward.

(10/7/22) – Went to try to reserve another vehicle for the week and the price has tripled.  $605 for the week.  Right now, I am leaning towards canceling/withdrawing my claims altogether and paying for the repairs myself.  That way the repair shop can release both cars immediately and I can have them available before I have to pay for another rental.

I’m continuously praying to God for advice in the midst of all the uncertainty.  It’s the only thing that keeps me sane and at peace.  

(10/8/22) – Woke up early to head to the repair shop to see how much it would cost me to pay out-of-pocket.  On the way to see the mechanic, I got a call from the insurance adjuster.  He informed me of the official amounts I would receive for each vehicle if I choose to give them up.

Honestly, one of the amounts far exceeded my expectations.  So much so that I decided to sell the insurance company one car and withdraw my claim and keep the other car.  From the proceeds of the sold car I would pay the repairs of the car I would keep.  And I would use the remainder for a down payment on the next vehicle I would acquire.  

(10/9/22) – The repair shop was able to give me back the vehicle I would be keeping at the last moment.  Needless to say, I don’t have to waste more money on a rental for the following week.

At this time, I can breathe a sigh of relief.  And at least I have  two cars(one being unreliable…but still) to take care of our family’s business for the time being.  

I thank God profusely for the guidance and peace of mind up to this point.  Now I just continue to pray and ask God for direction in executing the next step — acquiring the third car.  

(10/25/22) – What began as a potential life altering event, just ended as it has several times throughout my life.  With God making a mockery of my feelings of burden, worry and despair.

I feel embarrassed. Again! 

My immediate stresses after the hurricane regarding our flooded vehicles appear today frivolous and overblown.  Which is the precise effect that occurs when you are routinely in relation with your Creator.

Once again, I feel like a dope.  I should have known better.  And actually, I did.  

What happened?

Today I acquired the replacement for the last of our flooded vehicles.  And in a lot of ways, this new/used car is better than the one it replaces.  For one, it’s 25,000 miles younger.  It rides smoother. And the price was much less than the amount I was compensated for by the insurance company.

But the real takeaway as always is…God.  I can do nothing but marvel at God’s ways of doing business.  

The process by which my “burden” was alleviated seems understated and a mere rudimentary course of action.  But it wasn’t. God oversaw the whole thing. I credit the Creator with the wisdom and discernment it took to arrive at this most fortunate outcome.  After all, I had many choices to navigate before the final decision.

 Still, I feel stupid for ever projecting a hint of uncertainty.

God’s masterful direction of this final outcome is stunning to me.  Why? Because I was woefully in the dumps just a month earlier.  Wallowing in what it looks(now) to have been unfounded despair.

But oops! God did it again!…….Thank you Lord!

The Message For You?

Take note of how “relying on God’s strength and not our own” is not just a catchy slogan.  A regular relationship with God can actually bring relief, peace, and satisfaction into your life. 

And it all starts with your awareness/acknowledgment of your Father in heaven.  

The next ingredients can be best summed up by Proverbs (3:5): 

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart,

And do not rely on your own understanding.”

For me, it is the NOT “relying on my own understanding” part of the equation that I trip over regularly.  I proceed to go over “God’s head” and plot my own unfounded outcomes about my situation. Which leads me to temporary uncertainty and a weakened trust in the Creator of the universe.

It has taken me many cycles to absorb this particular proverb’s message, little by little.  Today I snap out of negative funks much quicker and proceed to get onboard with God’s program for whatever challenge I face.

Ultimately, the Proverbs (3:5) formula works every time.  Just don’t be hard-headed like yours truly and fail to absorb its message in a timely manner. Like I regretfully admit to having done one too many times.

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