The Ultimate Self-Control Bible Lesson
Have you ever reached for that extra slice of cake, even though you swore you wouldn’t? Or scrolled through social media for an hour when you meant to tidy the house? We’ve all been there, wrestling with that inner voice urging us to splurge, slack off, or lash out.
It’s called a lack of self-control, and let’s be honest, it can make life pretty tricky sometimes.
But guess what? You’re not alone in this struggle. Turns out, even folks in ancient biblical times grappled with the same beast! Yep, many people in the Bible had their fair share of temptation and slip-ups.
So come along, and let me show you how self control is a foundational lesson found throughout the Hebrew Bible. And then I’ll hit you with ten profound self-control Bible lessons that can help you grow in godliness and maybe even help you resist that extra slice of cake!
What is Self-Control According to Scripture?
Self-control is the ability to control our impulses, emotions, desires, and actions in line with God’s will and commandments. It’s about saying “no” to the immediate and focusing on the long-term, aligning our inner desires with God’s plan for our lives.
And, as is the case, the Bible is brimming with verses highlighting the importance of self control, like this memory verse from Proverbs 25:28: “Like an open city without walls is a man whose temper is uncurbed.”
Think about it: living without self-control is like a city with cardboard walls. It is vulnerable to attackers. Similarly, when we lack self-control, we’re easily swayed by temptations and distractions, making it tough to live a life that honors God.
Thus, so crucial is the concept of self control that the Bible isn’t short on examples of it.
Take Joseph, who resisted Potiphar’s wife’s advances, or Moses, who kept his cool even when faced with Pharaoh’s rage. These heroes demonstrate that it’s possible to live a self-controlled life, even amid intense challenges.
Why is Being Able To Exercise Self-Control Important?
The benefits of self-control go far beyond avoiding meltdowns and impulsive decisions. The Bible paints a clear picture of the importance of self-control:
Wisdom and Maturity:
Proverbs 16:32 tells us, “Better to be forbearing than mighty, to have self-control than to conquer a city.”
Self-control signifies wisdom and maturity, helping us make thoughtful decisions and avoid unnecessary drama.
Peace and Prosperity:
Psalms 37:8 advises, “Give up anger, abandon fury, do not be vexed; it can only do harm.”
When we control our emotions, we cultivate inner peace, which can translate to positive relationships and even financial stability.
Fulfilling God’s Purpose:
God’s word in Ecclesiastes 7:8 reminds us, “The end of a matter is better than the beginning of it. Better a patient spirit than a haughty spirit.”
Mastering our immediate impulses allows us to focus on long-term goals and align ourselves with God’s life plan.
What Are The Challenges Of Self-Control According To Scripture?
As you may be aware, having self-control is often easier said than done. The Bible identifies explicitly a couple of factors that can hinder our efforts:
The Flesh:
Our inner desire for immediate gratification often tempts us to conflict with God’s will. Remember Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? They prioritized the tempting fruit over God’s command, a classic example of the flesh leading us astray.
As I’m sure is the case for many, I have improperly used food to get quick highs but end up suffering the dire “fleshly” effects in the long haul(e.g., weight gain). The latter is but one example of how my lost battles against self-discipline usually ended.
Indulgence Of The World:

This refers to the constant barrage of temptations and distractions, urging us to indulge in instant gratification like Esau trading his birthright for a lentil soup in the book of Genesis.
The secular forces/stimuli of the world can wreak havoc on our self-control and relationship with God.
Personally, this is the obstacle I struggle the most to control. I used to go down rabbit holes of meaningless frivolity while online frequently. When my original intention was to research something legitimately that I was working on.
Yet, I’ve gotten better over time, so we’re surely not powerless! Especially with God on our side.
How to Overcome Self-Control Challenges with God’s Help
The Holy Bible offers a treasure trove of wisdom to strengthen our self control with God by our side:
Fear God:
The word of God in Deuteronomy 5:26 reminds us, “May they always be of such mind, to revere Me and follow all My commandments, that it may go well with them and with their children forever!”
A healthy reverence for a transcendent “higher authority” helps us align our desires with God’s will, fostering self-control.
In other words, if you believe you are accountable for your existence to someone “above your pay grade,” your awareness to be self-disciplined is heightened. This is very similar to how, in my childhood, I was very mindful not to “hang with the wrong crowd” because I knew my mom would “kill me.”
This is indeed a healthy and beneficial “fear” to have. And it has kept me away from many vices as an adult.
Trust in God:
The Bible says in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths smooth.”
When we rely on godly guidance, we receive the strength to resist temptation and make wise choices.
For me, this verse manifested like this: At one point in my life, I was scuffling badly and not managing my affairs well. Having exhausted countless secular methods of dealing with my hardships, I relented to God’s call.
I witnessed firsthand the uplifting effect a faith vantage point had on my life. I’ve been a fan of God’s ways ever since. And because of my belief and trust in The Lord’s point of view, many negative things in the world that used to test my self-discipline no longer do. God is faithful indeed.
Seek Counsel:
Proverbs 15:22 encourages, “Plans are foiled for want of counsel, but they succeed through many advisers.”
Let’s surround ourselves with people who encourage us and are strong in the areas we are weak.
Remember Moses being advised by Jethro(Moses’s father-in-law) to show self-control? Yes, indeed. In Exodus 18:13-27, Moses was advised to restrain himself and not shoulder all the judicial duties of the Israelites. A piece of wise advice that would prevent him from “burning out” and allow Moses to excel at his #1 duty — representing the people before God.
How To Develop Self-Control:
The journey to mastering self-restraint is a marathon, not a sprint. Here are some practical techniques to get you started:
Identify your triggers:
What situations or emotions entice you to lose control? Once you know your weak spots, you can develop strategies to avoid or manage them effectively.
I avoid lewd or explicit images like a plague. I never had a problem per se, but like crack, I’ve heard about the dangers of “porn addiction.” So, I don’t put myself in situations where I can be tempted to go down sinful rabbit holes.
Set realistic goals:
Don’t try to change everything overnight. Start with small, achievable goals, like resisting that extra slice of cake or practicing deep breathing when feeling anger rising.
Being the foodie I am, my small step has been not bringing tempting snacks into the house, even when they are at an irresistible discount. It took me years to battle the Oreo discount bin and start winning.
Practice mindfulness:
Make every effort to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Mindfulness allows you to recognize impulsive urges before they control you, giving you the space to make conscious choices.
Pray and meditate:
Connecting with God through prayer and meditation will provide the spiritual strength and clarity that keeps you in check more often than not.
I talk to God, particularly when I need to regain my bearings and refocus when I feel I might be losing control, for instance, when becoming overly agitated due to an unexpected expense involving a car or home. The latter happened recently when a pipe burst in our home and flooded two rooms in the house.
Initially, It was not easy getting mentally on track to deal with this huge lifestyle disruption but meditating and aligning with God’s perspective got me back on track.
Seek accountability / Talk about self-control:
Find a friend or accountability partner who can support you on your journey. Sharing your goals and struggles can motivate and encourage you when you stumble.
Remember, self control is like a muscle that needs regular exercise. With consistent effort, God’s guidance, and these practical techniques, you can gradually master your emotions and live a life that reflects His wisdom and purpose.

Top 10 Self Control Bible Lessons For Everyday Life
1. Mastering Your Tongue:
Proverbs 13:3 states, “He who guards his tongue preserves his life; He who opens wide his lips, it is his ruin.”
Words can be like firecrackers, spitting sparks and igniting chaos. Remember King David? One careless boast about his neighbor’s wife led him down a spiral of lies, betrayal, and bloodshed.

So, think before you speak. Avoid gossip. Consider the consequences of your words, and choose them wisely. A silent pause can often save you a world of drama.
2. Conquering Cravings:
Numbers 11:4-5 states, “The riffraff in their midst felt a gluttonous craving; and then the Israelites wept and said, ‘If only we had meat to eat! We remember the fish that we used to eat free in Egypt, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic.’”

Have you ever woken up craving a double-chocolate donut instead of that oatmeal you promised yourself? You’re not alone! In the desert, the Israelites yearned for the rich food they left behind in Egypt, forgetting the hardships that drove them out.
This verse teaches us that delayed gratification is a superpower. Savor the small wins, and remember, the sweetest rewards (e.g., weight loss, improved health) often come after a bit of patience.
3. Taming Anger:
Proverbs 16:32 states, “Better to be forbearing than mighty, to have self-control than to conquer a city.”
Picture a red-hot poker: that’s rage, and holding onto it can burn you and everyone around you.

This verse tells us, “Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city.”
Remember Joseph, falsely accused and betrayed by his brothers? He could have exploded, but instead, he chose forgiveness and resilience. This shows that anger clouds judgment, but self-control lets you navigate challenges with a clear head and a calm heart.
4. Cultivating Patience:
Ecclesiastes 7:8 says, “The end of a matter is better than the beginning of it. Better a patient spirit than a haughty spirit.”
Instant gratification may feel like the new norm, but remember the tortoise and the hare? Slow and steady wins the race, especially regarding goals and dreams.
This verse gives you the wisdom, “Better to be at the end of a banquet than at its beginning.” Focus on the journey, savor the steps, and trust that your efforts will eventually bear fruit.
5. Avoiding Envy and Jealousy:
Exodus 20:14 states, “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house: you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or male or female slave, or ox or ass, or anything that is your neighbor’s.”
Have you ever felt that green monster gnawing at your insides when someone else gets something you desire? Don’t worry; even Abraham’s nephew, Lot, fell victim to the envy trap by choosing to settle near the worldly pleasures of Sodom.

But remember, Exodus 20:14 warns us that comparison is a thief of joy. Celebrate your blessings, find happiness in the good things of others, and watch that green monster shrivel up and disappear.
6. Resisting Laziness:
Proverbs 6:6-11 says, “Lazybones, go to the ant; Study its ways and learn. Without leaders, officers, or rulers, it lays up its stores during the summer, gathers in its food at the harvest. How long will you lie there, lazybones? When will you wake from your sleep? A bit more sleep, a bit more slumber, a bit more hugging yourself in bed, and poverty will come calling upon you, and want, like a man with a shield.”
In other words, be diligent and mimic the self-discipline of an ant.
Ants are notably industrious, and their example can inspire us to get up, get moving, and tackle that pesky to-do list. Remember, even small steps lead to progress, so ditch the couch, embrace the ant spirit, and watch your productivity soar.
7. Overcoming Pride and Arrogance:
Proverbs 16:18 warns, “Pride goes before ruin, arrogance, before failure.”
Remember Nebuchadnezzar, the king who strutted around like he was God? Well, pride can take you from hero to zero pretty quickly, as the king found out.
The book of Daniel, chapter 4, recounts how Nebuchadnezzar’s arrogance doomed him. He lost his kingdom and was literally “put out to pasture” with the animals.
All that to say, exercise self-control and stay humble, peeps. Don’t be a condescending, know-it-all fool like many in society today seem to be.
Celebrate your achievements, but remember, there’s always more to learn and room to grow. Faithfulness and a humble heart open doors to wisdom and great relationships, while pride slams them shut.
8. Practicing Generosity and Selflessness:
Deuteronomy 15:7-11 reminds us, “If, however, there is a needy person among you, one of your kin in any of your settlements in the land that your God is giving you, do not harden your heart and shut your hand against your needy kin….”
In a world obsessed with “me, me, me,” curbing selfishness and fostering generosity aligns with having a degree of self-discipline.
Think about it. Sharing your blessings, even when things are tough, doesn’t just help others. But the mindfulness that it takes to share with others speaks to a level of poise and self-discipline within you.
So, continuously hone your self-control skills by displaying a generous heart and kindness.
9. Seeking Wisdom and Guidance:
Proverbs 9:10 says, “The beginning of wisdom is fear of the LORD, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”
Ever feel like your life resembles a GPS stuck on the dreaded “recalculating” or “make a U-turn” notifications? That’s why the Holy Bible repeatedly praises the value of seeking wisdom and guidance.
In my experience, there’s no more crucial verse in the Bible. Because seeking to be obedient and understand the Creator’s ways has led me to deeper insight and discernment of God’s truth and will.
This simple fact has single-handedly discouraged me from engaging in dubious activities of my past, a time or hundred:) Hence, God’s message has kept my self-control in check on many occasions. Thank God!
10. Trusting in God’s Strength:
Sometimes, even with the best self-control, life throws curveballs that overwhelm you. That’s when knowing God will help us and remembering Isaiah 40:29 becomes vital: “Who gives strength to the weary, fresh vigor to the spent.”
You’re not meant to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders alone. Instead, lean on God, find support in loved ones, and know that there’s a power greater than yourself that can guide you through even the darkest storms. Remember, dealing with self-control and temptation issues isn’t just about willpower. It is also about knowing when to release the reins and trust in something bigger than yourself. (Amen! I learned this lesson the hard way.)