21 Profound Truths About The Meaning of “Fear of God is the Beginning of Wisdom”
Have you ever felt lost or like things in life just don’t make sense? Truthfully, we all do at some point. You can even view it as a “right of passage” for any human who has ever existed.
All for the purpose of making you choose.
Door A, you go at it alone and create and decipher your own reality.
Door B, you heed the meaning of arguably the most impactful verse in the Bible — “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”
Your choice here is very similar to the one God presents in Deuteronomy 30:19 — “Choose life—if you and your offspring would live.” Conversely, choose anything but God and feel lost, rudderless, and alone in your existence.
The idea is simple yet stark.
The correct answer is to choose God and His wisdom(duh!). And here’s an in-depth look into what makes the meaning of “Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom” a must concept to live by.
1. Fear of God: The Secret Weapon for Wisdom You Never Knew Existed
Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom Verses: Proverbs 9:10, Job 28:28, Proverbs 1:7, and Psalm 111:10. Obviously, such a foundational message needed a lot of reps.:)
2. Reverence Over Fear: Understanding the True Meaning
The Essence of Fear in Wisdom: The term “fear” in this context doesn’t align with the modern connotation of being afraid. Instead, it signifies a “deep respect” and “reverence” for the divine. And ultimately, it’s a healthy fear of God that fosters wisdom and instruction seeking. It’s about recognizing the power and majesty of the Ruler of the universe and the limitations of “mere human wisdom.”
3. The Power Hierarchy: Placing God Above All

Why do you need to Fear God? Fearing God means acknowledging a power greater than yourself. That realization establishes order and hierarchy, placing God above humanity and the animal kingdom. This understanding provides a framework for understanding our place in the world and tunes our consciousness to the proper frequency of reality. In other words, when you know you(man) are not the center of this extraordinary universe, you are less resistant to outside/divine guidance. And that mindset is the basis for kindling a relationship with God.
4. Divine Blueprint: Mastering Life’s Order for Ultimate Harmony
The concept of hierarchy defines more than the status of God and His creation. As I mentioned above, hierarchy establishes order in the universe. And what this means is that our Heavenly Father has already predetermined the “laws of order” for a smooth-operating existence. This means that if you want to live a life that has minimal conflict, struggle, or strife, follow God’s prescribed hierarchy and order for living an optimal life. Front and center, as examples of godly determined hierarchies, involve the man/woman relationship and the parental relationship.
5. The Primal Emotion That Leads to Enlightenment
The Starting Point of Knowledge: This “reverential fear” is not just the beginning but the ongoing foundation of true wisdom. Fear is a primal human emotion. We fear snakes, spiders, public speaking, and losing loved ones. But the Bible suggests a more profound type of fear – the fear of the Lord.
6. Harnessing Fear for Positive Transformation
Fear is Universal: Everyone fears something. Fear can be a powerful motivator, and fearing God redirects that fear toward a positive force. A force that, if properly focused, as an example, can grow to be the foundation of a great nation — The United States of America(see the Constitution and all its references to a Creator).
7. Fearing God Makes You a Better Person (Science Says So!)
A Catalyst for Better People: Studies show a link between the fear of divine punishment and more ethical behavior. Fact!
8. Character Building Through Divine Fear
The Impact of Fear(pt. 1): A reverential fear of God is instrumental in shaping one’s character, fostering virtues such as integrity, honesty, and compassion. Fear of God brings a sense of discipline to one’s life, encouraging you to “refrain from harmful behaviors” and to pursue personal growth and spiritual maturity.
9. Trusting the Almighty: The Comfort of Divine Fear
The Impact of Fear(pt. 2): While fear often carries a negative connotation, in the context of God, it is intertwined with trust. Fearing God means trusting His “infinite wisdom” and “sovereign power.” And contrary to causing anxiety, the fear of God provides comfort, knowing that you are under the care of an “Almighty God” who desires the best for you.
10. Courage Over Judgment: The Liberating Fear of God
The Impact of Fear(pt. 3): Just as children fear disappointing their parents, fearing God deters YOU from wrongdoing. Knowing you answer to God first frees you from the paralyzing fear of others’ judgment and gives you the courage to do what’s right.
11. Embracing the Divine Order: The Fear of God Unveiled

The underlying message of “fear of the Lord” is acknowledging a higher order and accepting the universe’s structure and your place within it. This magnificent realization should foster great humility within you.
12. Humility: The First Step on the Path to Wisdom
The Journey Begins with Humility: A quick Bible study of Proverbs 3:7 tells us, “Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and shun evil.” Fearing God reminds you that you are not in control. Acknowledging that you don’t have all the answers is essential and leads to seeking wisdom.
13. Defining Wisdom: Your Life’s Compass
What does wisdom mean? The Oxford Dictionary defines wisdom as the “capacity of judging rightly in matters relating to life and conduct; soundness of judgment.” It’s the compass you need to navigate life’s complexities.
14. Beyond Knowledge: The Quest for Divine Insight
The Path to Insight: The journey towards wisdom, particularly the quest to gain knowledge of the Holy One, leads to insight and understanding that transcends conventional learning. I definitely can say that developing a close relationship with God has brought me knowledge and wisdom that even “highly educated” people don’t seem to grasp. For example, our society is replete with leaders arguing about legislation to enact to solve social and criminal justice disparities. The wisdom and understanding brought forth by the presence of God in my life let me know their efforts are fruitless. The most important thing for societal improvement is for a child of God to change internally. And what that means is — being exposed and absorbing the spiritual knowledge that can only come from God. In other words, God is the source of all earthly healing. I have gained the wisdom to know that much. And for that, I thank and love God, truly.
15. Wisdom or Folly: The Choice is Yours

The Power of Choice: The book of Proverbs 1:7 declares, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction .” This verse contrasts the attitudes of the wise and the foolish towards learning and guidance, highlighting the choice between attempting to gain wisdom or remaining in folly.
16. The Ultimate Reward: Finding Meaning Through Wisdom
The true reward of wisdom isn’t knowledge or wealth. Obtaining wisdom is the key to finding peace and tranquility in a seemingly chaotic world. And in effect, finding meaning and purpose in your existence.
17. God vs. Chaos: Why We Need Moral Absolutes
Objective Standards vs. Moral Relativism: Fear of the Lord leads to establishing OBJECTIVE moral standards, combating moral relativism. In other words, without God, you essentially inhabit a subjective world. There is no moral authority.
18. The Dangers of a Godless Moral Landscape
No God, No Hierarchy = Moral Chaos: If man removes God from the equation, man becomes the rule-maker. This leads to moral ambiguity. Who then decides morality? Does each human determine morality for themselves? Think of the implications of that. Clearly, without a Higher Power, right and wrong become subjective—a recipe for chaos. As an example, I give the testimony of the presidents of three of the most prestigious universities in the world — Harvard, Penn, and M.I.T. When asked in Congress if “calling for the genocide of Jews” violated their school’s code of conduct — they all punted and equivocated. A case of moral ambiguity at the highest levels of society. Am I supposed to think God has any prominence at these elite institutions of “higher learning”? Not a chance. Fear of the Lord continuously hones your moral compass. And this morally ambiguous display by the Presidents showed otherwise.
19. Navigating Moral Uncertainty in Modern Times
Moral Confusion Breeds Anxiety: Without a clear moral compass, anxiety and confusion take root. Exhibit (A) these days? Transgender ideology.
20. The Endless Road to Enlightenment

The Journey to Wisdom: A lifelong pursuit of wisdom isn’t a destination; it’s a journey. Fearing God, or for non-believers, respecting a higher order is the beginning. It sets us on a path of lifelong learning and growth.
21. Atheists vs. The Bible: What Does Scripture Say About Non-Believers?
What About Atheists? Is believing in God necessary? Is it true wisdom can only come from “fear of the Lord?”
The Bible addresses this in Psalms 14:1: The benighted man thinks, “God does not care.” Another translation says, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” I love the simplicity, directness, and lack of subtlety of this verse. Enough said!
The bottom line is that without the knowledge of God, foolishness abounds. Just check out the ridiculousness that is men competing against women.
It is worth pondering long and hard how our society has improved since it has veered more secularly over the years. In my opinion, it is pretty apparent foolish ideas are the order of our current times.
What do you think?
Conclusion: With Knowledge of the Lord Comes Wisdom — Fear Works!

The more I have pondered this “fear of the Lord” verse over the years, the more I am amazed. Specifically, I am stunned at how noticeably prophetic it is. After half a century on this planet, I can hear or see something and immediately know what side of this verse it falls on—the “fear” or the “no fear” of God side.
And guess what? The majority of the time, the “no fear” side is the one struggling with bad ideas and bad outcomes. Note the elevated “disorder” in our secular society these days.
This is why, as a young person, the most crucial thing you can do is absorb the meaning of “Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom” and proceed to filter your entire existence through this seminal verse.