A woman acknowledges why we should fear God with her arms raised to heaven.

This Is Why We Should Fear God – 5 Transformational Reasons

Why should we fear God, you ask?  Because it is the single most transformational concept in existence.

But before we go any further, what does it mean to fear God?  Simply, to have a deep appreciation of heaven.  To be greatly humbled by the realization that there must be a Creator to this grand universe.

So it all boils down to this — are you humble and astute enough to realize that mankind needs direction.  There’s a reason that unlike animals, human beings are not born instinctively self sufficient.  

The concept of parenting and guidance is most evidently necessary in mankind.  As a person, your quest is to realize this and try to gain awareness of your ultimate source of enlightenment.

Because when you do, you’ll realize that “fearing God” is not the burden that it sounds.  It is actually your ticket to enduring stability, peace and freedom.  

But just in case you need further ideas on why we should fear God, here are 5 life-changing examples…

You Should Fear God For The (Kick-In-The-Pants) Motivating Influence 

Contrary to popular belief, the spirit of fear is not ALL bad.  There’s a reason the Creator blessed you with the gift of fear.  When used properly, fear can be a great motivator to accomplish amazing things. 

Fearing God is parallel to “fearing” your parents.  And if you truly respect and appreciate your parents, disappointing them is something you don’t want to do.

And as such, fearing God specifically is the ultimate motivator for success and satisfaction in your life.  

For my part, when I began to take God seriously the motivations in my life shifted drastically.  I realized that one of the most important things I could do is have a strong marriage.  I became very motivated to appreciate my wife instead of primarily focusing on negatives or flaws.

I also credit fear of God with the motivation to teach my children about The Almighty and His concepts.  Which coincidentally has been as enriching for me as hopefully it has been for them.

Fear of God motivates my wife and I to be charitable with our limited resources.  

And finally, I appreciate God’s influence in my life so much that I’ve been motivated to share His wisdom with anyone that’s interested.

The list of motivations/realizations brought by adopting a fear of God has been endless in my life.  I’m sure a healthy appreciation of your Creator will motivate you to do great things as well.

You Should Fear God For The Awesome Reality Check That It Is

We all think we live in reality.  I’ve got news for you. The “real” reality is God’s reality.

And if you live a God-fearing life, God’s principles for how the world works best are front and center in your life.  As opposed to the human-centered perspective. Otherwise known as the secular perspective. 

And the outcomes of these two divergent perspectives couldn’t be more stark.  

Here a few examples of how fear of God keeps you sane and focused on the real world:

  • Being God-fearing you know that a man cannot become a woman and vice versa.
  • Being God-fearing you know that the plight of man is primarily internal.  Not external societal ills such as poverty, racism, misogyny, police brutality….etc.
  • Being God-fearing you know that the way you fight racism is not by being discriminatory or racist to a another group.
  • Being God-fearing you know that “diversity” does not necessarily equate or supersede competence and substance of character. 

The points above are seriously debated in segments of our population.  And the reason is that non God-fearing people are the moral arbiters of their own perspective.  (In other words, they make crap up.)

A perspective not anchored in God’s principles is inconsistent.  Its main object is to please the self.  It doesn’t have the higher ideals of “the greater good” embedded in God’s values.  

So in the end, a secular and self-oriented worldview clashes with God’s truth for the world. And the consequences for not living in God’s reality manifests in very nefarious ways in our society.  

Things like parents taking their kids to drag shows.  People being okay with abortion till birth. And tacitly being accepting of rioting/vandalism in our society are but a few examples of clarity of thought gone astray.

So stay consistent.  Aspire to be clear-thinking. And cherish life in the “real” world.

And it all starts by understanding where the beginning of wisdom is…..THE FEAR OF GOD. (Psalms 111:10)

You Should Fear God For Your Own Safety And Well-Being

This one is simple.  The underlying foundation of our world revolves around the concept of reward and punishment.  

Fear of God heightens your awareness of consequences.  Similar to the effect your parents or an authority figure may have in your life.

Basically, “fearing the punishment” that your parent’s could potentially impose for wrong behavior kept you alive in your youth.  Or at least kept you away from bad circumstances and influences.

I know thinking “my mom would kill me” kept me from hanging out in bad areas when we lived in NYC.  And later on in life her voice kept drumming in my head the steep consequences of unprotected sex and drug use.

Nothing matches the sense of accountability “fear of God” brings to your life.  It is so powerful that many mere mortals purposely choose to live a godless life.  Facing the consequences expressed by a supernatural power for “sinful behavior” sets unbearable limits on their freedom.

At least that’s what they falsely perceive.

But in actuality, the moral guidance that being God-fearing offers is the foundation of a spiritually and physically satisfying existence.

Which translates to the type of decision making that leads to optimal (physical) safety and (spiritual) wellness in your life.

You Should Fear God For Your Own Peace-Of-Mind 

I provide this reason because all of us come to the proverbial “fork in the road” at some point in our lives.  

At some point you will ask yourself, “what have I done with my life?”   “What is the point of my existence?”  

And you can see how quickly this line of thinking can lead down a rabbit-hole of doubt or even despair.  

To be God-fearing means to be mentally stable.  It means being aware of the power source of the universe and your place within it.  Which brings upon you a great deal of humility and a sense of purpose.

What this translates to is a general peace-of-mind.  You realize you are NOT the center of your universe.  Instead fear of God leads you to submit to the guiding hand of your Creator.  Similar to when you were a child and you basked in the safety, comfort and guidance of your parents.

And ultimately this is the greatest benefit there is.  An understanding that no matter the chaos and uncertainty that may surround your life — your “Dad” is there for you.

I have found that if you understand this concept, there is no greater relief from the mental anxieties of everyday life.

You Should Fear God To Make The World A Better Place

Many don’t understand the repercussions of a world without God’s influence.

God’s moral code put forth in the Ten Commandments has transformed the world and brought civilization to its peak status.


Because enough people through thousands of years have subscribed to God’s unchanging principles.  Ideas such as the prohibition of murder and treating others like you would like to be treated resonate deeply in civilized societies.

But would the same be true if you lived like there was no ultimate judge of your actions?   I think the famed Bible story of Sodom and Gomorrah answers this question poignantly.

Am I saying people will automatically be evil without the specter of God?  No. 

(Although, Genesis 6:5 does say, “And God saw how great was human wickedness on earth—how every plan devised by the human mind was nothing but evil all the time.”)

What I’m saying is that without God’s influence the human perspective lacks consistency of reason.  After everything I have seen and learned in my lifetime, why would I trust a man-made idea of morality?  When I see that man’s ideas of what is good and bad are ever changing.

For instance, a man in 1930’s Germany reasoned that murdering millions of people was a moral good.  Today some people reason that stealing is not immoral if the poor steal from the rich. And finally, it looks like more and more in our society that the same standard of justice does not apply to everyone.

My point is, if you are God-fearing and try to understand God’s concepts, those types of behaviors strike you as obviously immoral.  But the farther a person slides away from God’s influence the more their reality is left up to their own interpretation.

This means that in a non God-fearing society personal opinions about the essence of life become the norm.  Meaning, perspectives on morality will vary widely.  And hence, the ideas of society’s experts/leaders can turn out to be deadly  wrong. (Note the Hitler example above)

God’s moral code is eternal.  Unchanging.  And if in theory everyone accepted God’s moral standard it would make for a much more morally consistent and stable society.  

In conclusion, these five ideas are integral reasons why we should fear God.  Of course, there are endless examples.

So do your part, fear God, and internalize and live God’s eternal moral principles. For the benefit of your personal growth and the flourishing of society and humanity at-large.

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